Powerful Questions Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves

Powerful Questions Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves

Leaders are subjected to a lot of questions from the decisions they make and their very characters. It is prudent for any leader to subject themselves to questions before someone else blinds them with the questions. Genuine introspection is of great help as far as knowing your character is concerned.

Through genuine introspection, an outstanding leader emerges. Honest introspection builds on the emotional intelligence of a leader. However, the world is a shot of emotionally intelligent leaders. They feel uncomfortable asking themselves questions that will reveal the truth about themselves.

Today we live in a world that it’s easy to see yourself in the image and ideas of other people. One needs the gut to stop and stay alone to ask uncomfortable questions about himself/herself. Influential leaders have taken their time to ask such questions, and as a result, they turn to know themselves.

Knowing yourself as a leader is significant. A leader who identifies himself or herself has the power to achieve their dreams and can differentiate their goals and the socially imposed ones. They know who they are.

The secret to their performance is to know who they are through subjecting themselves to self-revealing questions. This article will concentrate on the powerful questions they often ask themselves.

Who are you without being praised?

When you identify yourself by the ranks or the job you do with people around you, it always puts a smile on your face when you are on the top. You can however, feel worthless when the external identities are removed. Who are you?

What can’t you do without?

This question needs an honest answer. The question will help you stay focused while in a fumble point—a point where a leader is under pressure to do what he or she feels is terrible. Many leaders fall at this point because they don’t know who they are; they have not subjected themselves to this question to know who they are.

What will you fight for on your deathbed?

This question reveals what leaders see to themselves worth fighting for. 

What would be the hardest thing to give up?

Leadership comes with pressure and stress. As a leader, you need to relieve stress. Often, we tend to look for stress relievers from the external sources. These external sources come with a long-term cost.

What or who do you secretly blame for your struggles and failures while quiet?

This question is about what we secretly feel and has a firm belief. This question needs an honest answer without self-judgment. When answered correctly, it allows us as leaders to see what we need to clear to evolve.

What painful situation are you most grateful for, and why?

This question gives you power back to your life. It creates a healthy reframing of any situation and gives you the certainty that you are in charge of your own life and how you respond to it. That’s why emotionally intelligent leaders understand that nothings have meaning until you give it one.

Authentic leaders go the extra mile to soul search and build their emotional intelligence. To be emotionally intelligent, you must have the courage to ask yourself uncomfortable questions. Subject yourself to the compelling questions and watch on how your leadership changes.



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