Communication: Ways of Making Your Video Calls Better


Communication is an important aspect of our day-to-day lives. No one can survive and prosper in this world without communicating with others and connecting to other people. Learning how to pass the message through various sources is critical. People do not just share information for their sake. The quality and the way of how one passes information will determine the acceptance and interpretation of the other party.

A video chat or a standard phone call is the most common way in which people communicate. Especially during this pandemic period, many people are connecting via online means. Therefore, an outstanding quality video chat is important for that virtual business meeting one intends to take part in.

Through the help of Max Rosen, the CEO of Indigo Productions, we will see ways of how one can improve his video chats’ quality.

Improve One’s Lighting to Better Communication

Everybody would want to look professional or have that professional presentation even if you are an amateur. Better presentations begin with proper lighting, especially natural light. Using the windows to receive light on one’s face is a better option. However, sunlight should not be direct. If one cannot access windows to improve his lighting, there are many other options. For example, the desk lamp or a ring light will do the job just perfectly fine.

Experts in photography say that every room has different lightings. Hence, when one wants to keep in touch with a friend via a Zoom call, he should try different things to see what fits before the conversation.


Adjusting One’s Camera and Adjust Your Communication

When you are using either a phone or laptop, there are chances that you may badly place the camera while video chatting. You should position the camera in the eye position. A hack for this while using a laptop is to place it on some books if you want to position it properly.

Max Rosen says:

“Frame yourself to show your head and shoulders and ensure the top of your head is at the top of the frame.”

If a person’s devices’ built-in camera is of inferior quality, he or she may use a USB model. It may help a person get an image of better quality. While using a phone, one is to ensure that the phone is in a horizontal position. One ought to place it on a stand at an eye position or level. A person should not hold the phone in his hands to avoid shaky videos.

Look the Part

Rosen emphasizes the significance of one’s look and body language. You should put on an attire that you are comfortable with and that it is not blending with one’s background. The most important thing is for a person to wash his or her face.

The CEO of Indigo Production says:

“Remember, you are on camera. Smile, pay attention, don’t look all around the room. Think about where you place your camera, and where people are walking by. When something goes wrong to go with the flow. Laugh it off and don’t let it throw your game.”

Good Audio

Communication is two-way traffic. No one would want to listen to you if your audio is total crap. One should ensure the room is silent, if you have a company at home, let them know that you are expecting an important video call. One ought to mute his or her mic when you are not on the call. However, when you are talking ensure, you have your pair of Sony headphones on or any other quality headphones. Rosen advises one that they should purchase an exterior mic.

Availability of a Strong Internet Connection

This is the most important factor compared to the rest. If one wants a better connection and has an ethernet connector, connect it to your device (laptop).




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