Zoom to Roll New Security Features for Users


Zoom to roll out new security features in the coming days to prevent the highly unwelcome ‘zoombombing’ that has affected the platform. This news was released after the platform suffered a cyber-threat. The intercept released a report stating Zoom’s meetings weren’t encrypted end to end as they say. The company also boasts of a secured “Transport Encryption” to protect meetings from external attackers. This initiative is not from Zoom itself despite what they say.

The lack of encryption makes the meetings vulnerable to unwanted attackers and the sharing of personal information without the users’ approval. Users also face issues, due to troll activities on the platform. Trolls are seen bombarding the company’s meetings with pornographic materials to elicit reactions from those present. This process is known as Zoombombing.

Cybercrooks and trolls have access to meetings for Zoombombing in an easy way. With all this, CEO Eric Yuan publicly apologized. And also promising that the company would double its efforts in privacy and security. Recently, it seems the company will be making a good impression on that as they are set to release new security features.

About the features

Zoom is ready to unleash new features to balm their security woes starting from May 9 and several Zoom accounts will be updated with it. The Waiting rooms feature for PMI will be switched on by default. Also, strong passwords will be needed for all meetings, including those using PMI i.e., Personal Meeting IDs, previously scheduled meetings, and new meetings. The new feature will also include screen-sharing privileges hosted by default.

The waiting rooms enabled meetings will now require the approval of participants before they can enter the meeting. This helps to put a barrier against harmful content and Zoombombing. Zoom will introduce a series of recommendations for its users to secure all meetings. This will also include those using PMI or personal links. It will involve requiring a meeting password, disabling join before host, enabling waiting room, requiring authenticated users to join. It will also involve locking the meetings after it has started and muting participants on entry.

Users can enable these features in the account settings and also experience the best video streaming service.

“These features will assist our free users to securely meet without any issues,” Zoom writes.

All these efforts are put in place to protect and safeguard users during meetings. It is also a way of promoting the company’s integrity and expanding its business initiative to more parts of the world.



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