China’s Strategy to Shape the Future of the Coming-generation Technology

China’s Strategy to Shape the Future of the Coming-generation Technology

Today, we do almost everything through the use of technology. Take a close look at the kind of phones people are using. You will see how technology is upgrading.  Everyday technology takes a step further. For instance, China is to launch a new plan to influence the next generation of technology.

Power is up for grabs as China is ready to release “China Standards 2035” this year. China believes the technology will work from telecommunications to artificial intellect. The plan will define how different technologies work and their influence around the world.  Experts describe the standards as something to shape the playing field as well as view for coming technologies. However, China faces challenges with the dominance of Europe and the United States government.

The technology standards

Industries and technologies have specific criteria that define how they work as well as the impact around the world. Talk of new networks such as the 5G, which can take years of planning and development. Besides, to build technical standards, you require collaboration between companies, bodies, professionals, and industry.

The measures are as uniform as possible, and it boosts the efficiency of network rollouts. Additionally, they are confident that it will work everywhere in the world. Standards are behind all the technologies such as Smartphones. Companies like Qualcomm and Ericsson are part of the plan, but China is playing a more active role.

The plan in detail

As of March, Beijing released a statement that captures the main points of National Standardization Work in 2020. Nathan Picarsic said this is an insight into the coming for China Standards 2035. Some of the stressed points are the push of standards across different industries, including farming and production. Another section highlights the need to set up a new generation of biotechnology systems and information technology.

The article also covers the development of the so-called Internet of Things, cloud computing, 5G as well as artificial intelligence. Future technologies can help pin critical foundations around the globe. An expert said the brilliant move is to uphold standards domestically and boost the world’s economy.

Complains and assurance

A lot of questions are rising, following China’s influence on world technology and growth. Horizon Advisory Picarsic says that China’s standards intend to expand its plan of data access. He also adds that the more the technical measures, the more the data and access policies will be subject to the government.

Some rules in China seem to compel any industry to comply with the governments’ requests. It is one of the reasons why the U.S, together with other countries, raised concerns about Huawei’s’ 5G network. They recommend that if Huawei is allowed to launch its 5G network, Beijing should access its data. However, Ren Zhengfei, the co-founder of Huawei, promised that the company would keep customers’ data confidential.


Despite the big ambitions, China is facing a lot of challenges dislodging the dominance of the U.S and Europe. Besides, the Coronavirus pandemic is also affecting the government’s future technology strategy. However, China seems to be ready to address the short term challenge and keep its long term target in check.



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