China Defends the WHO after Trump and Others Say it is Deferring to Beijing.


The Accountability Of the WHO

Before all these critics began, the WHO was actively doing its work and having good goals towards achieving optima health conditions. It diligently participated in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine in collaboration with other medical firms. The globe depends on the WHO’s knowledge about epidemics to prevent disease disasters hitting the world severely.

Zhao Lijian, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, supports WHO by saying.

“The World Health Organization has been actively performing its work and maintaining goals, science-based and fair place.”

World Health Organization Faces Criticism From World Leaders.

The WHO lately faces a lot of criticisms from the United States’ administration on the coronavirus pandemic. President Donald Trump accuses the WHO of not getting correct viewpoints concerning the pandemic.

Donald Trump goes ahead and further says that he will remove funding from the organization since it appears to be China-centered. The World Health Organization faces extreme criticism from people accusing it of readily believing China’s reports.

Taro Aso, Japanese Deputy Prime Minister, says in a parliament session that the WHO now is known as the ‘Chinese Health Organization.’

Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, gives a stern warning to the criticizers. He tells them to stop taking advantage of the situation by pursuing their political interests.

Taiwan Versus The Director-General Of The WHO.

Tedros condemned Taiwan’s insults but Taiwan said the accusations of insultations had no base for them. They also demanded an apology from the organization concerning the claims. People seem to question the WHO’s urgency on attending to the coronavirus pandemic before it became worse.

Taipei says that he sent an email to the organization indicating the human transmission of the disease late last year. It looks like the World Health Organization did not respond immediately to the crisis to be. However, the WHO strongly opposes the accusations. The United States Department adds on and questions WHO’s response to the information from Taipei.

The United Nation and the WHO excludes the country from addition since they do not regard it as a supreme country. Taiwanese authority complains that its elimination from the organization’s favors will put the lives of its people in great danger.

This is a saddening situation since the current state of health emergency around the world has become political combat among leaders.

China defends the organization, and besides, offers help and medical support. Ironically, China was in the worst state of the crisis and now helps other countries fighting the virus. Zhao accuses Taipei of getting a political advantage on the matter.

Despite exclusion from the WHO, Taiwan, a country of 24 million people, has succeeded in controlling the spread. Taiwan reports cases below 400 and death cases, not more than 6. Its neighbors Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea report cases in thousands of numbers.

However, the World Health Organization, says it emulates Taiwan’s tactics and that they are working with its health professionals.

China Backs The World Health Organization On The Matter.

People were criticizing the organization on its ignorance of the matter. Besides, reports say that the WHO delayed in naming the situation as a public health emergency. Critics demand that the Director-General should retire as online appeals reach about a million signatures.

Furthermore, criticizers blame the organization for not driving back to China when they quieted the informers in Wuhan. Before the city was under lockdown many people had already left the city. This might be a reason as to why countries started reporting new cases of the coronavirus disease.

Therefore, the question is? Why did the WHO allow itself to fall into the snare of the virus despite showing its extraordinary skills in controlling past pandemics?



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