The Symptoms And Protective Measures Towards Novel Coronavirus


The Novel Coronavirus

The disease COVID19 originated from China, Wuhan on December 31st the year 2019. SARS-CoV2 is a virus that causes the disease. COVID19 has affected 75 countries so far. It has costed many countries in terms of financial and social aspects as they try to contain the Novel coronavirus. However, in the continent of Antarctica, the virus has not affected the region.

The death rate is considered high especially in Hubei province at 2.9% whereas other provinces are at 0.4%.

Symptoms And Medical Views On The Disease

According to Lipsitch, a Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health epidemiologist, says that if the disease is not well contained it may have more effects. This is so since rough estimates have been done and discovered that 40-70% of the worldwide population could be infected come next year (2021).

A variety of cases of those infected have come up. Some cases are mild while others show no signs or the symptoms of the disease at all. A lot of researches have been done concerning the new virus and many symptoms have been identified.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they say that the signs of coughing continuously, high body fever and difficulty in breathing are the main symptoms factored out.

Other researches conducted show that 98% of people infected experience fevers, about 76-82% have a very dry cough and 11-44% experience tiresomeness. These symptoms seem to appear between 2 days to 14 days on the risk of exposure.

Some patients will experience symptoms of pneumonia and even getting their lungs filled up with fluid. The disease effects are severe depending on the age of the patients exposed to the risk of being infected. Children are considered to be under the lowest risk compared to the ones from 30-79 years of age.

Paul Biddinger, the director of the emergency preparedness research and practice program at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, says that limitations towards testing have been put.

For example, in the United States of America, only patients with more severe symptoms are given the allowance to test. Those patients with early signs or symptoms are advised against getting tested but they are told to check on their respiratory diseases.

Scientists And Researchers Thoughts Concerning The COVID19

As much as efforts have been made to find the origin and treatment of the virus, little hope has been made. The scientists are working extra hard to get the treatment and a vaccine to stop the disease from destroying more lives and nations. Researchers, however, say that pangolin might be accountable for human transmission.

Effective Protective Measures Towards The New Coronavirus

As much as no cure has been found, the virus can be slowed down from spreading to other regions. Washing hands with soap is essential since the hands touch many surfaces. By washing them the virus is unlikely to be found on clean hands.

The social distancing of about 1 meter is necessary since when a person infected with the virus happens to cough near you the saliva droplets might reach the other person.

People are also advised to get informed concerning the latest updates on the disease by the authorities in charge. Observance of respiratory hygiene such as using a handkerchief while coughing is highly advised.

One last important thing people need to know is that they should disinfect their work surfaces. Avoid touching their noses or mouths after coming from a public place.



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