Top Five Secrets Why African Ladies Wear Waist Beads


Waist beads or abdominal waist beads are a customary African beautification that consists of little glass dots on a string or wire. And are put-on around the midsection or the hips. The waist beads come in various colors and shapes and may also incorporate decorative stones or charms.

Have you ever thought of having an abdominal beads beautifully worn on your waist? Well, traditional reasons aside, this is a fantastic sign of beauty that can blend perfectly with your skin. Men are attracted to them, and this can be a beautiful dress to surprise your man!

Waist beads have been worn for a long time by ladies in many West African communities. In the last years, abdominal beads have been picked as notoriety among young and old ladies in the West. They are also known as waistline dots, stomach globules, or beaded midriff chains.

Why do African ladies wear them?

Weight Measure

Abdominal beads are commonly used to measure weight changes. Most ladies don’t like to step on the weight scale on the city streets, and if you are one of them, this is best for you. Many ladies would prefer to have the abdominal beads on to determine weight changes or any changes in your belly sizes.

Having midriff chains is a perfect way to understand your weight changes. If you, at any point, add weight, the strings will sit higher on the midsection or feel tight on your waist. On the other side, if you happen to lose weight, the globules will loosen up and fall to the hips. As a result, ladies are compared to the weight gain and losses that are necessary for keeping a beautiful body.

Sign of Maturity

In the communities where putting on midriff dabs is a cultural norm, the globules are seen as a sign of womanhood, maturity, and development.

In Ghana, small babies are embellished with midriff dots at naming ceremonies. Same thing with the young ladies. The waits beads as they grow gives them the identity of moving from one stage of life to another.

The wearing of midriff globules also signifies the progress in one’s life. The globules a young lady wears at adolescence changes. This will be different from the waist dots she will put on as a mature lady and later as an older adult.

Intimacy and ripeness

Many ladies around the world use the waist beads to show their exotic nature. Some ladies wear the explicit globules during sex to spice things up around their waist.

Customarily, according to the Ashante and Krobo communities in Ghana, the bigger dots or chimes are added to a lady’s waist once when she is wealthy. She will use the dabs as a sign she makes demand when she strolls to caution the potential husbands who are seeking hand in marriage.

Also, some single midsection dabs are used by pregnant ladies. They are used to give assurance to the mother and the developing child as she grows in the mother’s womb.

Sign of heritage and pride

Wearing the abdominal globules have a lot of heritage and pride of African roots. The midriff dabs are popular among the ladies in the diaspora. They are associated with progenitors and receive praise in ladies in their legacy and social practice of Africa heritage.

Today, the wearing of the waist globules by dark and beautiful ladies in the Western countries has developed into a social convention. It is a kind of social beautification that mirrors diasporic experience.

Gives ladies posture

The hippy globules give ladies a perfect posture when sitting. It enables an individual to turn out to be carefully mindful of their stomach and position.



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