The condition of our oceans as at the moment


The World’s Meteorological office has just released the current state of our oceans, accompanied by the 2019 Global Climate statement. The office has confirmed that draft figures show 2019 as the runners-up warmest year. As per reports, they say the oceans are more acidic, warmer, and the sea-levels are rising.

The disappointing part is that the United States Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres says we are way off trail to meet the 1.5 or 2.0 degrees Celsius target. Generally, it is interesting to deal with sections involving the ocean, heat sink, and its influence on climate variation. Here are several cases discussing the state of our oceans at the moment.

The effect of water deoxygenation

According to the resend research, oxygen has and is declining in open coastal oceans, semi-open seas, and estuaries. Deoxygenation, together with increased ocean warming and high levels of acid, is a leading threat to the health of people depending on the seas as well as the marine ecosystems. As per reports, coral reefs are declining to at least ten percent of prior cover, at 1.5 degrees Celsius warming to a lesser degree of one percent at 2C humid. In addition, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is likely to get bleached because the Coral Sea is anomalously warm, although there are indications of a potent tropical cyclone spell. The cyclones churn the water to make it colder hence saving the reefs.


Ocean heatwaves

Researchers have found that more than ninety percent of the additional energy building up in the air goes into the oceans. As per the current news, 2019 sea heat content to two kilometers deep surpassed the previous year’s records. Reports say that in 2019 the beaches experienced unusual high humidity for almost two months. Besides, less than 84% of the sea had one marine heatwave.

The heatwaves have caused the expansion of ocean water, leading to at least thirty percent rise of the sea level, 2019 recorded the highest value ever. It has also contributed to huge impacts on climate variation.


Marine acidification

According to scientists, between 2018 and 2019, the ocean did absorb around 23% of carbon dioxide hence raising the ocean acidity as well as climate change. The sea has attained a tremendous shift in PH, reducing the marine organism. The ability of shellfish and mussels to form corals and shells reduces. Besides the high acidity levels also affect their growth, reproduction as well as their life.



Ocean acidification, high temperatures, and deoxygenating have led to significant changes in the marine ecosystem. The truth is if you don’t take care of the oceans, within a short time, you will end up frustrated. Remember, the seas benefit humankind in many ways, including it’s a reliable means of navigation and an excellent source of food. Think about it how many people benefit from this globally, and you will realize large numbers depend on the sea in day to day life. Finally, unity and taking responsibility is the excellent way we can survive any situation.



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