Mike Ryan: Stop Punishing Countries with Covid-19 Variant


Many across the globe are now worried as the new Covid-19 variant is spreading at an alarming rate. The number of covid-19 cases and deaths continue to surge daily. And with that, dependency rates hike. Recently, Ryan Mike, the World Health Organization Health Emergencies Program Executive Director, condemned the isolation of countries that have reported the new variant cases. He urged states to stay united amid the pandemic.

“We should not be punishing those states who’ve been looking and reporting because we don’t know in countries that haven’t been looking and reporting whether those variants or other variants are there.”

 What is the New Covid-19 Variant?

Multiple variants of the novel virus are making rounds across the globe. Scientists are working off their ass to determine whether the variants could pose more harm than they have. The first case of the variant was detected in the United Kingdom and then South Africa. Following the versatility of health agencies in the above states, there is much more information on the virus. The United Kingdom dabbed the virus B.1.1.7.  Mike Ryan celebrates the above countries. For it is because of their findings that vitally important information is now in the open. He states that people should laud, praise, and thank the UK, South Africa, Denmark, and Brazil.


Vaccine Distribution Plans

Since the emergence of the pandemic, global economies have deteriorated. And more so, underdeveloped countries have felt a substantial economic impact. Chances of them recovering are lame, especially since most of them are indebted to some developed countries. Ryan says that the situation in these countries may even worsen in the future. He endorsed the equitable distribution of vaccines, more so in low-income states.

Mike stated that the Equitable distribution of vaccines was not an ethical issue but a practical one. The only way normalization could only kick-off was when societies came together and discussed a fair distribution of vaccines. The virus won’t be going away anytime soon. Intelligence, perseverance, commitment, faith, hard work are all virtues that could come in handy amid the pandemic.

Ryan believes that if states could get to a point where they can control the virus, no more deaths or hospitals overwhelmed, then the world will make a comeback. At that point, only be vaccinated, and it will reach a point where the transmission levels will be lowered. The covid-19 tally must not be at zero for normalcy to return. And that’s what’s most important.

Urging People to Keep Safe

The discipline to keep safe lacks amongst many people. Often authorities have called on people to avoid public gatherings, stay indoors and stay safe. However, the problem is amid festivities; people do not listen. For it is then that they meet in clubs, ceremonies, and parties. Valentines is soon approaching, and many have made celebration plans. Mike calls on the world to emulate discipline come to this valentine. He says that since it involves love partners, it is not a must to go partying or nightclub. Let Valentine be a day to commemorate love and affection. Keeping safe might be the best decision this year; as it happens, the virus has chosen to take different forms.


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