How Humility Offers a Competitive Advantage


We are in an age where authoritarian power is highly questionable from all angles. Almost anyone can access expertise with just a touch of a button. The surprising thing is one-on-one human interaction keeps on decreasing as the days pass by. Now you can access if not all, but most of the services just by the touch of a button. There are internet-mediated companies ranging from Uber to Airbnb that provides these services by a button. Humility will offer a competitive advantage in the market. 

Because we celebrate the achievement and the milestone we have taken as a human race, there is something sinister about all these innovations. Human being matters less with each change in the tech world. Geoff Colvin correctly delivers this message in his book, “Humans Are Underrated: What High Achievers Know That Brilliant Machines Never Will.”

One year ago, I visited one of the most talked-about hotels in the Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. The surprising thing is that I live near many hotels but usually like going to this one for a reason. The reason is the services provided by most of the waiters there. I traveled almost 380 kilometers just for lunch, but I could take it in at the comfort of my house or preferably at the nearby hotel. It’s crazy. I went to these lengths because I knew the services the waiters deliver. Who in this world doesn’t want to be treated like a King, given a perfect service for your limited bucks? I am no exception.

How reputation influences one’s decisions

The reputation the hotel has influenced my decision to seek services 380 kilometers away from home. Their social skills are just way above the roof! I knew that the hotel is bustling, and being on the weekend, it will be full to the brim, but the surprising thing is that it turned out that they served me on time. The waiter who served me just gave the hotel extra credits. The service was perfect.

She was open and direct, and she seemed genuinely interested not only in the services I asked for but also the effect such food has on my health. I mean, she asked if I had any issues with the spices they use, the amount of food I usually take per seating, and how I would like my meal served. To be sincere, which hotel offers such services in town and all over the world? You can agree with me if you are a travel enthusiast who is scarce.

She seats with me for almost 30 minutes and patiently answered all my questions before I received the customized services. I felt like a King, for I was treated like one. At this point, I am a low-income earner who hardly comes by the colossal amount of money, but the services she provided demanded a tip twice the meal I took that day. I couldn’t resist. I would rather walk on my way back! Crazy, right? That was the true definition of top-notch services. Before I left the hotel premises, I sent a customized message via SMS thanking me for giving them a chance to serve me next time and every time. Wow, I felt like they should help me again immediately. 

How often have you ever received such services with any service provider? How important is the human dimension? 

The Risk of Lacking Humanity

It is no big deal that professionals hired based on their skills and expertise are the same that are fired based on their personality. 

It doesn’t matter the Skillset one has or the expertise one possesses. What matters is your personality, and over time, this has been proven to be true? Jeff Skilling, former CEO of Enron, Joe Cassano, one time at American International Group (AIG) where all professionals. They were celebrated by business publications as if they had some inner power and possessed some magical oratory skills. All of them had one thing in common at the end of it all. They serviced the collapse of their organization. 

Many people often equate overconfidence with wisdom, not knowing that it can also be used as a mask to hide once self-doubt.

What’s Humanity?

Many people associate humanity with some weakness and inability of one to stand for himself/herself. Humility has nothing to do with weakness as it requires more muscular inner strength. This way, one can appreciate that it is through feedback and criticism that we grow. The ability of one to self-reflect and see his or her weakness and strengths is vital to reaping the fruits of humility.

The waiter who served me at the restaurant played the CEO roles perfectly well. She made me enjoy the meal through her confidence and competence. She made me feel cared for and valued by the services she offered. Does it get better than that? I highly doubt it!



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