Gov Eno Commends Journalists on World Press Freedom Day for Strong Partnership

Gov Eno Commends Journalists on World Press Freedom Day
Gov Umo Eno

Gov Eno Commends Journalists on World Press Freedom Day for Strong Partnership

Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom State expressed his heartfelt gratitude to practicing journalists for their unwavering support and the robust relationship between them and his administration since its inception.

In a solidarity message conveyed on Friday and made available to the press by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Ekerete Udoh, Governor Eno commended the media for highlighting issues of public interest and their commitment to constructive criticism.

The governor’s message emphasized the significant contribution of journalists in promoting the administration’s vision, known as the ARISE vision. He acknowledged their dedication to reflecting faith and belief in their reportage, which has been instrumental in advancing the government’s goals.

Governor Eno underscored the importance of constructive criticism and the media’s role in drawing attention to matters vital to the public welfare, highlighting the noble responsibility inherent in their profession.

Furthermore, the governor reiterated his administration’s commitment to working collaboratively with the media to galvanize the people of Akwa Ibom state toward progress and development. He emphasized the importance of unity, brotherhood, and the promotion of diverse cultural values.

In alignment with the Sub-Theme of the 2024 World Press Freedom Day, “Navigating Press Freedom Through Unity in Cultural Diversity,” Governor Eno emphasized the promotion of bipartisanship in engagements, reflecting the administration’s inclusive approach to governance.

In conclusion, Governor Umo Eno extended his warm wishes to all journalists on World Press Freedom Day, reaffirming his administration’s dedication to upholding the principles of press freedom and fostering a collaborative relationship with the media to improve Akwa Ibom state.


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