Five Must-Have Leadership Qualities for Successful Entrepreneurs


Most of us know leadership as being in command of a particular group of people. Nothing is wrong with this definition of what leadership is. However, Entrepreneurs are also a unique breed of leaders. Names have been given to us by those who love us and those who don’t understand us. Some call us rebels, innovators, risk-takers, and other black sheep. You name it.

There is one thing successful entrepreneurial leaders have in common, and that is a high degree of emotional intelligence. This is where successful entrepreneurs create a hedge between them and non-successful entrepreneurs. These people can express their emotions and handle interpersonal relationships reasonably and empathetically. Research has it that emotional intelligence is directly linked to your health and success compared to your intelligent quotient. 

I have researched and studied different self-improvement and entrepreneurial books and deduced the following five pillars of leadership for successful entrepreneurs. You might find this different from what you have been reading in the past. However, you will find them useful on your journey to making it to the top of the entrepreneurial ladder. These are must-have leadership qualities for your success story. 

1. Develop the mentality of ‘If it is to be it’s up to me.’ (Responsibility)

Successful entrepreneurs have always taken a win-win scenario in every situation. What is the trick? They have created a habit of coming back to a place of respect and love to create a win-win situation. Successful entrepreneurs do this while not taking into account what the other party is thinking. They know that they are fully responsible for their action and reactions.

Mother Teresa’s quote, written in her home for children in Calcutta, beautifully captured this quality: 

“People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.”

2.100 percent is possible 100 percent of the time. (Power of Possibility)

It is human nature to get overwhelmed. At times you will feel like saying no to opportunities on your way that you don’t want to pass. However, you must always realize that you are the master of your emotions and reactions. When you cultivate the mindset of unstoppable, you will find a way to make everything happen.

Saying yes to an opportunity and taking action to accomplish it no matter how much you have on your plate is what it takes to succeed. Leave your footprint whenever and wherever you step. 

3. Your vision and your commitments dictate your ways of being and your actions. (Integrity).

Often we are defined by our words and commitments. This is why successful entrepreneurs often encourage the upcoming to set goals and refer to them as often as possible. It helps one get aligned to his/her highest potential. You will not be on track 100 percent of the time. At times you will fall off track, but if you stay attuned to your WHY and your goals, you rise above the water and start breathing again. 

4. Live as if your life and the lives of others depend on it. (Urgency)

Time spent never comes back, so make yours count.

The considerable difference between the average and a leader in the sense of urgency. To do all it takes at the time frame provided without complaint. Most of the success stories about the successful entrepreneurs’ stresses on the one virtue that makes them accomplish more within less time. That’s urgent. 

5. Learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. (Risk).

Entrepreneurs are risk-takers. They risk a lot more than you might think, reputation, security, money, time, and safety. Set your goal and stick to it just like a visitor stick to Google map and see that you complete all you need to be accomplished.



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