Entertainment: Thriller Directors Get Creative in Making Films Amid Health Crisis


Entertainment is an important activity in the life of a human being. It forms part of the leisure time one has after a hard week of work. Imagine if there was no source of entertainment in the world. People around the world would have become depressed with no form of amusement. It is hard to do without entertainment and it is unhealthy to work for too long without taking a break.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, everything was doing fine. Filmmakers made a lot of money in making movies for people to watch. Studios, theatres, and cinemas were open for the film industry. People would go to the cinemas to watch a film without worrying about social distancing rule.

After 2020 kicked in, it was not the same for the film industry. Most of the studios and theatres did not operate following a widespread off the coronavirus and authorities laid out stringent measures. This caused a lot of ongoing production to stop delaying some most expected projects. There was also a loss of revenue following the economic shutdown. For those who connected through the cinemas could not do so since they were to observe the directives.

This did not stop the producers and directors of films. They had to be creative in continuing to make movies for people because it’s hard to cope without entertainment following the lockdowns.

Aneesh Chaganty Tries to Cope Amid Pandemic 

He is an American film director and a screenwriter. During this pandemic, his inbox got filled up with messages.

He says:

“It just felt like nobody realized that everybody was having this same realization. That you can make something on a computer screen, or at least make projects on it faster during this time.”

Aneesh had running projects including a film called Run. Officials removed it from the release calendar after the theatres shut down because of the pandemic. Aneesh was working towards a continuation of a thriller film called Searching. The film did not come about through recording Zoom calls. He recorded the actors personally and inserted screen effects in the stage of post-production.

The Horror Genre Thrives Amid The Crisis

Despite the coronavirus disease, the directors in the genre of horror or thriller are trying their best not to be out of the game. Levan Gabriadze, a director, arranged for his movie called Unfriended in a Skype call between allies.

Unfriended: Dark Web, its continuation, did a similar thing. In 2014, The Den relied heavily on a video chat platform. Similarly, Host, a 2020 film, is a film set in the Zoom platform.

Nick Simon, a screenwriter, finished recording his latest work. He controlled his cast over a videoconference.

Simon says:

“We wanted to come up with a story without ever mentioning that stuff. This is just a story told with the restrictions we had. How do we write something, or tell a story, when we know we can’t leave our house? We know that we can’t have our actors together. Can we come up with a story that’s not about the situation we’re in?”

So here we see that the coronavirus could not stop the production of films as film directors get more creative. This is mostly with the horror directors.



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