Call for Peace: Egyptian and Turkish Foreign Ministers Advocate De-escalation in the Middle East

Egyptian and Turkish Foreign Ministers Advocate De-escalation
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan shakes hands with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on the sidelines of the World Cup in Doha, Qatar, November 20, 2022. Murat Cetinmuhurdar/PPO/Handout via REUTERS

Egyptian and Turkish Foreign Ministers Advocate De-escalation in the Middle East

Egypt’s Foreign Minister engaged in diplomatic discussions with his Turkish counterpart on Saturday, April 20th, as part of the groundwork for an upcoming visit by Egypt’s president to Turkey. The meeting in Istanbul also addressed pressing regional issues, with a focus on the conflict in Gaza and the escalating tensions between Israel and Iran.

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed concerns about the broader implications of the Gaza conflict, cautioning that its continuation could lead to further destabilization in the region. He highlighted the recent targeting of maritime navigation in the Red Sea and its impact on the global economy, as well as the heightened military tensions between Iran and Israel. Shoukry appealed to both parties to exercise restraint and avoid escalating towards a wider military confrontation, emphasizing that such developments would not serve the interests of the Palestinian people or regional stability.

The discussion coincided with Iraq’s announcement of an investigation into a deadly explosion at one of its military bases hosting an Iran-aligned group known as the Popular Mobilization Forces. Initially described as an airstrike by militia officials, suspicions were raised regarding the involvement of U.S. forces or Israel. However, the U.S. Central Command denied carrying out any airstrikes in Iraq, while Israel hinted at the possibility of further escalation.

Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan, underscored the importance of addressing the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to prevent recurrent crises in the region. He warned against underestimating the global ramifications of unresolved Palestinian issues, stressing that failure to grant Palestinians their rightful statehood and sovereignty could fuel ongoing tensions. Fidan emphasized that the Palestinian conflict had the potential to spark global divisions, urging other countries to recognize its significance beyond the Middle East.

The timing of Sameh Shoukry’s visit to Turkey coincided with recent diplomatic engagements involving Hamas leaders meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Qatar’s reassessment of its role as a mediator in the Gaza conflict. These developments underscore the complex dynamics at play in the region, where diplomatic efforts intersect with ongoing security challenges and geopolitical tensions.


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