Cyber-crime in the East African Region


Cyber-crime means the act of malicious people carrying out criminal activities through the internet or computers. It is a common crime globally and countries are striving to solve the issue permanently. The act of cyber-crime has adverse effects on the victims. People who have suffered the act may end up in depression and kill themselves.

In East Africa, the acts of trying to promote peace have attracted several tourists and foreign investors. The revenue from the tourism sector has double over the past decade. Tech growth and regional tourism have triggered East African cross-border banking.

Cross-Border Banking and Cyber-crime

Cross-border banks come from our country with divisions across the East African region. An example is the Equity Bank, which depends on digital tech. As mentioned earlier, the threat of cyber-crime and insecurity is very common in the digital world. A country like Uganda has lost over 40m to cyber-crime 3 years ago. Rwanda also has lost over 5 billion francs 2 years ago. In Kenya, there were over 26m cyber threats between April and June last year.

An upsurge of digital banking has caused financial institutions such as banks to become targets of crime. These institutions are attractive to cyber thieves because they have large reserves of cash. The continent’s digital infrastructure lacks the resources to control its cybersecurity threats.

Equity Bank had a case of cyber-crime. Its neighbor, Rwanda, apprehended the suspected cyber-crime group that tried to access the system of the Bank. At some point, the director of the criminal investigation of Kenya gave the authorization of apprehending suspected criminals. The money loss to cyber insecurity is a risk to the economy of EA.

The cyber-crime on the Bank shows that the states in the region need to strive more to defend their institutions from financial damages.

The Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection

This is EA’s policy regulation on cyber-crime. The member countries accepted it back in 2014. The only state to have signed it is Rwanda. The CCSPDP needs member countries to share accountability by establishing cybersecurity ways that remember the link between information, protection, and cyber-crime. These ways will keep information protected from cyber-thieves.

The Convention encourages a closer association between authorities and businesses. Besides, it establishes provisions for double criminality and joint legal help.


Rwandan Method in Tackling the Matter

5 years ago, the country invented a country cybersecurity rule that instituted a National Computer Security and Response Center. The center uncovers, stops, and takes action to cybersecurity dangers.

The state also has a National Cyber Contingency Plan to take care of cyber problems. In 2016, it gave an information and communication tech policy.

Kenyan Ways

In 2014, it came up with its National Cyber Security Strategy to increase cybersecurity familiarity. The state also changed its information and communication policy to ban illegal access to computer information.

The Approach of Uganda

The country has 2 Acts. 1st one is the Computer Misuse Act that ensures the protection and safety of electronic operations and data systems. 2nd one is the Regulation of Interception of Communications Act that watches suspected interactions.




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