Boris Johnson Making Very Good Progress With Coronavirus Recovery.


Coronavirus Updates in Britain.

The numbers of cases and deaths of coronavirus are escalating in the European states as doctors and nurses are trying to save patients. The death toll in Britain is about 9000 having over 950 more people dying 2 days ago.

Britain has been under lockdown for the past 21 days. Authorities wanted to restrict the movement of the people to help not spread the virus further. Ministers in the country are encouraging the people to remember the ban on social gatherings during this festive season of Easter. The government is insisting on these measures to contain and defeat the disease as people want to return to their normal lives.

Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister Of The United Kingdom’ Health Updates.

The prime minister’s symptoms of COVID 19 worsened and was taken to an intensive care unit in St. Thomas hospital. Reports say the Prime Minister has spent 3 nights in the intensive care unit so far.

Downing Street spokesperson and Boris’ office say the prime minister is making a positive move in his health recovery. The office hopes for the best for the PM and a quick recovery so that he may resume his duties soon. However, the prime minister is still in the first stages of healing.

News from the British newspaper report that the PM is watching movies and reading letters from his expectant fiancée. Carrie Symonds, Johnson’s fiancée, is said to have experienced coronavirus symptoms of coughing, fever, and headaches.

Matt Hancock’s, The Health Minister, Views.

The health minister says the highest point of the disease has not yet gotten in the country. He advises the people to continue remaining at their homes unless one has a medical emergency that forces him or her out.

Matt says the cases of admitting patients in the hospital because of coronavirus are significantly reducing. He hopes that the cases may flatten out completely. However, there is no proof to give them hope and courage that they are past the disease’s worst effects.

This means that people should continue adhering to the measures until the time when there will be evidence that everything is back to normal. Experts have recommended the highest point might still be off.

Hancock says, “Nobody knows if it would be. There are all sorts of proposals. Their work is to make their best approximation and advise us. We have a whole load of different advice from different experts.”

He adds on and reports that the death pace might escalate over the following days.


The Citizens’ Cries To The Government.

The government is under pressure to explain how much more time is the movement restriction going to be. Business people are also complaining about the shutdowns since businesses are not working and people depend on their businesses.

Authorities say the country needs to overcome the peak before there are changes or transformations.

Challenges Facing Medical Assistants.

The government had not prepared enough for the consequences of coronavirus. Doctors and nurses are complaining about their safety while treating the sick since they are risking their lives. They say they lack protective gear such as gloves and masks.

Reports say over 15 health workers are dead from the disease because of a lack of protective equipment (PPE).

Hancock delivers over 750 million PPEs goods to the 1.4 million health staff who were working for the NHS.



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