Blinken Vows $100M Funding for Strengthening Haiti’s Police Forces

Blinken pledges $100 million to fund Haiti police mission
Blinken and Carribean leaders attend an emergency meeting on Haiti in Kingston, Jamaica, on Monday, March 11, 2024 - Copyright © africanews Andrew Caballero-Reynolds, Pool via AP

Blinken Vows $100M Funding for Strengthening Haiti’s Police Forces

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared on Monday an additional $100 million commitment to fund the deployment of a multinational force mission in Haiti. This announcement came during a meeting between Blinken and Caribbean leaders in Jamaica, convened to address the escalating crisis in Haiti.

Blinken, recognizing the pressing need for intervention, stated, “Given this increasingly urgent need, I’m announcing today that the United States Department of Defense is doubling its approved support for the mission from $100 million to $200 million.”

The United States successfully convinced Kenya to contribute police personnel to the Caribbean nation, despite facing a court order that initially blocked the mission. The move reflects a significant diplomatic effort to garner international support for stabilizing Haiti amid the prevailing chaos.

Haiti is grappling with a severe breakdown in public order, primarily stemming from relentless attacks by armed gangs targeting both police forces and other government installations. The situation reached a critical point, prompting urgent international attention and intervention.

Adding to the turmoil, Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who has been unable to return home since his recent trip to Kenya, submitted his resignation on Tuesday. This development compounds the challenges faced by Haiti, aggravating its already precarious political situation.

The allocation of additional funds by the U.S. emphasizes the gravity of the situation and the international community’s commitment to restoring order in Haiti. The financial boost aims to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of the multinational force tasked with addressing the security crisis in the country.

As the U.S. reinforces its support, the situation in Haiti remains a focal point for diplomatic efforts and collaborative measures to stabilize the nation and provide relief to its citizens. The increased financial commitment signals a collective determination to address the multifaceted challenges facing Haiti and underscores the importance of a coordinated international response to restore stability in the troubled region.


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