Avoid Intruders Who Hijack Zoom Calls on The Internet.


Following the latest news, in the past two weeks, a large number of people are victims of invaders on the stylish Zoom services. The most affected are people who channel video conferences. It wise to ensure your videos are secure from these intruders as it may cause you more than you can imagine. Do not be ignorant; take the necessary steps today to avoid such situations. Besides, it is embarrassing for videos you think they are safe, to be interrupted.

The need to have your videos confidential

According to Von Glitschka, people should learn how to create designs in adobe illustrator. On Saturday, Glitschka shares a link to his Zoom video call in twitter, LinkedIn as well as Facebook profiles. Reports say that a lot of people tuned in. Unfortunately, one of the users took a chance to display the video while saying some neo-Nazi things. As per the news, the man did it in a French accent.

Furthermore, he commented on the screen with a racial disgrace. Von says this annoyed him much as he did not speculate such behavior. Glitschka also says it has been two and a half years since he started using the service until the zoom bomb.

As a result, Von is no longer interested in posting links in zoom. He says for those who are interested in joining the service, should consult him first. At the moment, many people are turning to video chats as the corona virus outbreak has forced a large number to lockdown. According to the news, right now, the zoom app has over thirty-two million active users in a day. Statistics done on Wednesday by analyst Zane Chrane and Michelle Isaacs show that the users have increased much, almost ten times as they were a year ago.

How to protect yourself from Zoom bombing

Everything in this world has a solution, but only if you are determined to get one.  Of course, there are ways to lower the chances of being a victim of the Zoom bombing. Here are some features the company is encouraging you to use.

You can decide to use a meeting lock which denies newcomers from joining after you get the target group. The feature is not complicated to use as you click manage participants button on the Zoom application, press ‘more’ in the participants’ pane in the bottom right corner, then finally select ‘lock meeting.’ Another feature is the meeting host. No one will be able to take control of anything everyone is viewing on their computer. Visit the Zoom web settings and enable the restrictions. Finally, you can decide to use the waiting room feature. It is a virtual place where people congregate before a Zoom meeting. Here you will be able to vet before allowing anyone into a live session.


It is quite unfortunate to see everyone trying to have control of the current situation amid the coronavirus pandemic. The technology should assist but not to embarrass us. Zoom company is now working with other companies to stop people who enjoy interrupting other people’s videos. Besides, the authorities suspended a group on YouTube because of zoom bombing accusations. Moreover, YouTube should also get ready to take down such groups.



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