African Nations Emphasize Caution Amid Rising Iran-Israel Tensions

African Nations Emphasize Caution Amid Rising Iran-Israel
AFPCopyright: AFP Iranian pro-government supporters have been celebrating their country's missile attack on Israel

African Nations Emphasize Caution Amid Rising Iran-Israel Tensions

Multiple African nations have issued a plea to Israel for restraint as the nation’s war cabinet convenes to deliberate on potential retaliation following an unprecedented Iranian aerial attack on Saturday night. Iran claimed responsibility for the assault, citing retaliation for an Israeli airstrike on its consulate in Damascus on April 1st, which resulted in the deaths of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officers.

According to Israel’s military, Saturday’s attack involved over 300 drones and missiles, with the majority intercepted before reaching their targets. Amidst escalating tensions, several African countries, including Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, and Somalia, have appealed for caution to prevent further escalation.

South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation emphasized the necessity for all parties to exercise restraint in a statement posted on social media platform X, urging against actions that could heighten tensions in a fragile region. Kenyan President William Ruto echoed similar sentiments, encouraging Israel to exercise utmost restraint in consideration of the urgent need to avert further escalation, emphasizing the gravity of the Iranian attack’s threat to international peace and security.

Additionally, Somalia called upon the international community to swiftly intervene and take decisive action to de-escalate the situation, emphasizing the imperative of reducing the risk of further conflict. Nigeria’s foreign ministry urged Israel and Iran to reflect on the global commitment to peaceful conflict resolution, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and diplomacy in resolving disputes.

These calls for restraint underscore the widespread concern over the potential for further escalation and the destabilizing impact it could have on the region. As tensions remain high, diplomatic efforts and international cooperation are crucial in mitigating the risk of further conflict and fostering peaceful resolutions to the escalating tensions between Israel and Iran.


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