African Leaders Congratulate Biden On His Victory


US presidential elections are among the most controversial awaited results all over the globe. Having won a tight race, Biden and his supporters were overwhelmed with the victory. Leaders from all over the world were quick to congratulate and wish him the best of luck. As it is known to us, being the president of the United States requires a great deal of wit, hard work, love, transparency, etc. Hence it is a great accomplishment for the few who have managed to.

Among those who wished him the best were leaders from various African countries.

President Buhari of Nigeria

Mr. Buhari said that Biden’s victory came at a time of uncertainty and fear in world affairs. He added that the elections were a reminder that democracy was the best form of government since it granted the people a peaceful way of changing their government. He hoped that the US would co-operate with Nigeria at diplomatic, economic, political, and the fight against terrorism. President Buhari also urged Mr. Biden to introduce greater engagement with Africa based on reciprocal respect and shared interests.

President Uhuru Kenyatta

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta stated that Biden’s emphatic win symbolized the strong confidence Americans had in his leadership skills as a former VP.

He talked of the great friendship, which Biden helped strengthen, that exists between Kenya and the US. President Uhuru acknowledged VP Harris as a great role model who would help inspire young girls to achieve their ambitions. He also thanked Trump’s administration and wished him well as he left the high office.

President Yoweri Museveni

In a tweet, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda congratulated President-elect Biden and sent him greetings from Ugandans. He reminded Biden of the great trade relationship that existed between the US and Uganda and urged him to use the linkages.

“Previous American presidents have already positively used these linkages by putting in place the African Growth And Opportunity Act [Agoa]… We salute this policy & hope that President Biden maintains it.”

Since the linkages will expire in 2025, he urged Mr. Biden to renew it just like the previous successors.

President Hage Geingob

Hage Geingob recognized Biden as one of the frontiers in helping with the fight against apartheid rule. He said that he looked forward to working with Joe Biden for stronger bilateral relations and multilateralism for a fairer world.


President George Weah

In a tweet, the Liberian President congratulated Mr. Biden and hoped for great relations with the United States. He said that Liberia looked forward to rekindling their long historic bilateral relations.


President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi

The Egypt head of state, a close ally of former President Trump hoped for continued good relations between America and Egypt. He emphasized his aspiration for co-operation and joint action to strengthen its strategic bilateral relationship with the United States.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa

The Zimbabwean President wished Mr. Biden’s success in ruling the Americans. He stated how eager he was to work with Biden and strengthen the co-operation between the two countries.

President Nana Akufo-Addo

Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana congratulated Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris. He hoped for continued relations between Ghana and the United States.



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