Why COVID-19 is Going to Make Flying More Stressful


Since the onset of coronavirus, flying has become demanding. Passengers from recent travels have lamented over stressful flights.

They advised people to refrain from travels unless it was urgent. Throughout their journey, they complained of being uncomfortable, especially having the mask on all through.

Airlines across the globe have imposed numerous restrictions to help curb the virus. Their main intention of controlling and preventing the spread of infections.

Restrictions in Flying amid corona pandemic.

In Thailand, the airport officials check the temperatures of all passengers before they depart. Whereas in the US, they have placed chairs in their departure terminal which block and enable physical distancing.

There are also signs which inform passengers to space out 6ft apart. Moreover, the speakers at the terminals remind passengers to keep their masks on and sanitize almost every minute.

Qatar Airline, on the other hand, has ensured that their cabin crew is dressed up in protective goggles, gear, mask, and hazmat suits.

The authorities in charge at Maldives airport self-isolate all passengers arriving into luxurious hotels. They quarantine in these hotels for 14 days.

Meanwhile, arrivals in South Korea are tested for corona. They ensure one has the app which monitors movement and records daily temperature.

With corona propping up in all parts of the world, most countries have not laid off their restrictions. Some have still locked their borders, only permitting few international flights.

Civil Aviation has been pledging to most governments to release their grounded flights. Especially because airlines are facing losses. In the future, most airlines might be crippled because of bankruptcy.

On Monday, International Civil Aviation released a set of guidelines for safe air travel during the pandemic. They stressed physical distancing, wearing masks, frequent sanitizing, and testing for corona at the airports.

Some airlines are planning to adhere to the guidelines at least until they regain their customers’ trust.US Delta Airlines agreed to minimize their first-class seating capacity and main cabin to 50% and 60%.

Physical distancing likely to cripple plane profits.

The aviation industry is in a dilemma due to the deteriorating economy. Regardless they have imposed physical distancing as a measure to combat the virus.

However, these restrictions are not the best since many airlines are making losses. Why?

Physical distancing reduces the normal carrying plane capacity from 77% to 62%. Hence flights will not be getting any profits.

Effects that come with physical distancing.

Cheng-Lung Wu, associate professor in aviation said it is not just airlines that find physical distancing a problem but also airports.

“If you require everyone to keep social distance while boarding a flight, then you can imagine – for a large aircraft, you’re going to have a very long line. Most airports just don’t have the space to accommodate that,” he said.

Similarly, because the airport official prevents people from crowding, boarding procedures take forever. Therefore, passengers reach their destinations hours later that the normal time. The corona measures have impacted greatly on the aviation industry.



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