Trained Fighters Free over 1,300 Prisoners from DR Congo Jail


A prison break has just taken place in the early hours of Tuesday, October 2020, in the DRC republic. A total of more than 1300 prisoners embraced their freedom thanks to an attack by armed fighters in jail in Beni east of the democratic republic of Congo. Apparently, jailbreaks are not new to the state. The country’s prison conditions have as well made it easier for such escapades to take place. The attack was speculated to have been coordinated by the Allied Democratic Force (ADF).  The group is believed to constitute amongst the rebels in the country.

The ADF in Congo

Originally, this group was based in Uganda before expanding its territories to the DRC. The Ugandans consider the group to be a terrorist gang. The group has been linked to a number of attacks that have left thousands of innocent civilians dead within the year 2019 alone.  International organizations like the UN are in disbelief of the ongoing deaths yet military campaigns aimed at putting an end to the group have been put in place.

A recap of the events that took place six years ago depicts the group’s massacres. The group had then launched village attacks. Killing people mercilessly with machetes and guns. A horrifying way to die. Moreover, there were more civilians abducted. Over the past one and a half years, the UN has reported up to 500 kidnapped cases in the region by the ADF.

The Faithful Prisoners

Well, at least the prisoners were not left empty. The Mayor of the region gave a confirmation of about 100 prisoners who chose to stay behind during the attack. An additional 20 prisoners had returned to the Kangbayi prison premises. Two prisoners were confirmed dead after a gunfire exchange that took place during the raid. The mayor is still hopeful that more prisoners will be back in prison.

The Break-in

The Mayor reported that the attackers managed to breach in the doors using electrical equipment. Although there was no terrorist group claiming the attack, all the suspicion pointed out to be ADF. Bakwanamaha further pointed out the prison served as a jail for local defense forces and the ADF fighters. Rumors had already started to surface on the impending attack in Congo a few days even before the attack. It is evident the group had a much better layout plan on the precedent attack. Meanwhile, the group has abandoned its bases and split into smaller groups to facilitate easier movement.



































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