Top 8 Qualities and Skills Employers are Looking for when Hiring


Are you in job-hunting process, went for various interviews, and never get callbacks? There must be something wrong, either with your resume or how you present yourself during the interviews. I know how this can frustrate time-consuming and not to mention tiring walking office to office with no leads. Take a moment and think about it, what is it you are not doing the right way. What qualities and skills do you lack that makes your applications ever get blacklisted?  Because I have been in your shoes not once and not twice. I will share with you the top eight qualities and skills employers are today looking for that will get you noticed. And put you in a better position to get hired.

Below are the top 8 qualities and skills employers are looking today in the job industry 

Communication skills

If you didn’t know, communication doesn’t just mean the fluency and heavy vocabulary you can speak with during your interviews. Or with your bosses when you are hired. Communication skills are the ability to communicate fluently and effectively in many mediums. These include email, verbally, phone messages, on the phone, and with body language. Not to mention listening skills and the ability to follow directions and provide feedback.


Employers want timely, detailed and accurate data regarding their business. Made a mistake at work? No, don’t cover it up, instead admit it and promise never to repeat same mistake next time. You saw something going on and it’s a wrong side, report it and always stay true to the deals you do while at work.

Technical Competency

Every job posted by the employers has requirements and competency for all vacancies. If you are hired to do some tasks then you should have high competency at doing it. You want to grow your career and get promotions? Work smart, improve your skills and record high returns at your job, and who knows, you might be in the names of those promoted to the next big titles!


Don’t be a boring employee who wants to do one thing in all their life. With the unknown technologies coming in businesses don’t be shocked if a robot takes your position. Employers need employees who are smart and can adapt faster to new changes. Be smart and flexible and learn something new ahead of the rest.

Work Ethic

Don’t be the person whoever comes to work late with loads of excuses, boss this and that happened and I had no alternatives. Be punctual at work, do what you were hired to do. Meet targets and deadlines and give your best of ability at work. You will ever be your boss’s favorite employee!

Problem-Solving Skills

Not every workday will be smooth. There’re obstacles that will come on the way. Employers are looking for someone motivated to finding solutions to the problems at work. The ability to take challenges with minimal direction. As a job hunter you need to have this in mind, when you see something needs to be done, you react fast and get it done accordingly.

Determination and Persistence

Managers will give employees heavy tasks to complete by the end of the day, or months. But they are doable. The key potential to keep on point is to able to work hard, and stay focused always. Never get distracted or attempted to stop on the way. A reward awaits you at the end.


Employers want employees who they can trust to work and deliver to the employer’s best interest. You should be a person who is capable to work under minimal supervision. And always able to stay on your line and be answerable to your bosses anytime during work hours.

Yes, you the skills. How can you let an employer know that you have these qualities when applying for a job? Here are six ways to help you.

  • Provide a resume with keywords the employers are looking for to attract their attention
  • Send an outstanding cover letter together with your resume that openly show you understand the skills wanted for the job. It is prudent enough to provide examples where you used these skills if you have any experience.
  • Make sure your listed references say good, and relevant things about you on the inquiry.
  • Look for an excellent letter of reference from your previous employer to give your new potential employers
  • Have excellent communication skills, on your resume, if you are bad at this, hire someone to make a perfect resume for you. Be smart in your interview.
  • And last, something that has failed many people. Be well prepared to smartly answer the toughest interview questions perfect and with confidence.

Once you master these skills and qualities. Nothing Stop You! A pro tip: Always be smart, when you are smart almost everything will fall in place. Good luck!






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