Somalia Urges UN Termination of Political Mission Amid Escalating Al-Shabab Attacks

Somalia requests UN to end political mission as Al-Shabab attacks increase

In light of the urgent need to address strategic priorities in the face of ongoing attacks by the al-Shabab terrorist group, which is linked to al-Qaida, Somalia has officially requested that the UN discontinue its political mission in the country.

Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi informed the Security Council and Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of the government’s decision following a comprehensive review of their strategic objectives in a letter addressed to them. The present mission mandate, known as UNSOM, is scheduled to end on October 31st. Fiqi stressed the importance of swift procedures to complete the mission by the specified date.

The mission has been instrumental in working with African Union forces, doing everything from advising on strategic policy to promoting gender equality and human rights to aiding in reconciliation and peacekeeping operations.

While recognizing the significant achievements of UNSOM, Fiqi conveyed her deepest gratitude for the organization’s work in promoting stability and peace in Somalia. Moving forward with the next stage of cooperation with the UN, which is largely concerned with long-term development goals, is something he emphasized the government’s steadfast commitment to.

Fiqi reaffirmed the government’s readiness to meticulously organize the transition from a political mission to a UN country team, which usually focuses on developmental problems, in a following communication dated May 9th. The importance of this transition being well-planned and started right away was stressed by Fiqi.

The call to stop the mission comes as al-Shabab attacks continue to escalate, leading to international efforts to strengthen Somalia’s security forces. The United States announced in the middle of February its intention to help the Somali army strengthen its defenses against the terrorist organization by providing up to five sites.

In response to attacks by al-Shabab, the Danab Brigade—formed in 2017 as a result of a bilateral agreement between the United States and Somalia—has become an essential component, acting as a rapid-reaction force in efforts to counter extremist actions.


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