Namibia Exports Shipment of Red Meat to the U.S.


Namibia exports gems, precious metals, copper, zinc, fish, live animals, ships, and boats, among other things.

Namibia Exports First Shipment

On Wednesday the 19th, 2020, however, Namibia became the first African country to export red meat to the United States. The U.S finally allowed Namibia to proceed with exportation after nearly two decades of negotiations over logistics and safety regulations with the U.S.

Namibia sent meat samples for 24 months to the U.S for laboratory testing before the exportation confirmation by the U.s. In the U.S Namibia export deal, exports would also include boneless, raw beef cuts in frozen or chilled form. Namibia would continue to export 860 tonnes of its hormone-free beef of various beef cuts in 2020 to the U.S, rising to 5000 tonnes by 2025.

The South African country sent 25 tonnes of beef to Philadelphia after an agreement with the U.S.  A state-owned meat firm Meatco sent the 25 tonnes of beef to the United States on Wednesday.

The Biggest Meat Consumer

There are over 50 States in America, with a population of 327.2 million individuals. With this large population, the country relies on domesticated animals like pigs, poultry, cattle, sheep, goats as well as buffaloes as sources of meat. Americans in the U.S consume an average of 120kgs of meat per person, according to a review made by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA).

These revelations hence make it clear that the U.S is the world`s biggest red meat consumer. Due to the large consumption, a constant demand for red meat is always there.  Hence a big and lucrative market for meat is always available.

Animal Cruelty

No countries in Africa, however, had been able to reach an agreement with the U.S to export red meat to its market till recently. The United States denied the importation of meat from most African countries. The U.S mainly rejected imports because of how factory farm attendants treat animals on factory farms in some African Countries.

The U.S raised concerns about how factory farm attendants stuff animals, by the thousands into windowless, filthy sheds. Some sheds can be cages made from wire or metal crates and other torturous materials. While stuffed in cages and sheds, animals are denied fresh air and the warmth of the sun on their backs. In some instances, factory attendants only let the animals breathe fresh air or feel the heat of the sun when they load them onto trucks headed for slaughterhouses.

Factory farming industries target the making of maximum outputs while minimizing costs. In the process of achieving this, Factory attendants neglected the animals and deny them some basic requirements. Treating animals in this way leads to many of them dying from disease or infection. Meat from such factory farms is hence undesirable, and the United States rejects its importation.

Namibia exports benefits

Namibia, however, is set to benefit significantly from its recent deal with the United States. The Southern Africa country will benefit economically from tapping into the largest consumer market with the purchasing power of $13 trillion. Selling to this market and the markets of countries such as Britain, China, and Norway will raise Namibia`s population income substantially. Additionally, Namibia`s exports will also profit from a duty-free regime under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).



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