How Agriculture Has Grown in Africa


Agriculture plays a significant role in our continent. It eradicates poverty, hunger, food security, and also forms an important portion in improving Africa’s economy. Most importantly, agriculture boosts the global food market today. This article describes how agriculture has grown in Africa.

Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), now in its 10TH year, has enhanced agricultural growth. It has done this by fostering entrepreneurship, investment in agribusiness and agriculture. Agriculture provides opportunities to millions of young Africans. Through it, they enter the African market every year. Serving as the backbone of Africa’s economy, it has helped to improve the countries within the continent. These countries include Niger, Congo, Burundi, Togo, Zambia, Ghana, Mali, Malawi, and Ethiopia.

Water Harvesting for agriculture

Advancement in technology has led to the improvement of agriculture in Africa. New water catchment and harvesting techniques have come to effect. The introduction of Fish ponds and the construction of dams is a new harvest method. It is helpful in the preservation of water for use in later days in dry seasons. Many projects rely on water from dams when done over the dry seasons. Also, rock water catchment is a new technology of harvesting water in most of Africa’s dry seasons. Water is harvested from big hills and mountains with rocks and stored in big tanks. This water is supplied to the areas with a shortage of water hence eradicating drought. Indeed, it is good how agriculture has grown in Africa.

Role of education in agriculture

Also, the education sector has played a good role in educating farmers. Now they can identify the right variety of crops for planting in a specific area within the continent. This is due to the climate changes in Africa. Farmers can identify the right crop for a particular climate. For example, in Kenya, Miraa does well in cold and wet areas like Meru. On the other hand, sisal planting does well in dry places.  Having this knowledge, the farmers get freed from losses of risking to dry places.

New farming techniques have also been put up and have played a significant role in increasing production. How agriculture has grown in Africa is a remarkable step worth noting. Current planting technology does well in the farming area of Africa, like the use of tractors. They are used for planting in big plantations, which minimizes the waste of time and is a reliable method of farming. The use of fertilizers shows some growth of Agriculture and improves the market since productivity is higher than before. Good produce establishes a big advancement scale in the field of Agriculture in Africa. This includes even the exportation of farming produce. New technology applies in the harvesting of the farm produce in Africa. The use of machinery techniques is deployed in doing the harvesting as compared to earlier days.


The growth of Agriculture has brought not only African countries together and the globe into a small bottle through business and market share.


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