Mindfulness: A Must-Have Mental Skill


Business leaders experience emotional and mental challenges that are neither appreciated nor shared by their subordinates. It usually requires one to take an overwhelming workload up the ladder. Climbing the ladder from an excellent technical operator to senior management is not a cup of tea, nor is it a roses bed. It requires mindfulness.

Mindfulness and the Learning Curve

The learning curve requires one to take heart. Just as it feels on the initial stages of starting a business, you are unsure what time you will elevate to the next rank. The demands change so quickly.


The higher position comes with its challenges. You need to learn how to manage a higher number of people in as much as you need to understand the system, the process, and the broader scope of roles it comes along with. Not enough, build a relationship with key persons. All these conditions are a perfect incubator and act like fresh food to your mind feeding doubtful critical voice inside: I doubt if I can handle this new role.


Failure is what you can think of at the moment, and you desperately want to go to your primary role. Life sacks and you would wish to get back to your comfort zone, where you knew what confidence is, where you had a definite purpose, and a strong internal sense of competence.

Did you know that your brain is the most potent tool you got, and it operates the way you have designed it? It saves you! We are naturally immanent to operate by a negatively biased mindset. Professor John Cacciopo, the Psychology researcher, has extensively researched the brain’s increased cerebral cortex activity. He did this when comparing negative emotions-invoking stimuli and positive emotion-invoking stimuli.

Not keeping such thoughts in check can lead to both cognitive discomforts. The delightful news is that mindfulness acts like an intervention where you are free to learn the skill to keep your thoughts in balance.

What’s Mindfulness?


The globally recognized framework used by therapists to manage mental illness. Its gaining recognition all over the world for its effectiveness concerning top performance mindset. Its performance has placed it an inch higher, and it’s adopted by C-suite managers as a meditation skill to increase flexibility, regain clarity and focus and reduce stress. It enhances greater mental exposure and emotional stability, which eventually gives you the inner power to face adversity.

What’s the function of our brain during mindful meditation?


  • The observation of information, feedback without making sense of it.
  • The generation of thoughts, emotions, and feelings

The essence of meditation is to notice that you have the unfavorable thoughts, judgments, feelings, criticism, labels, and pause them on their track by choosing to observe them. By choosing to listen and accepting the thoughts within, you connect to the higher self.


Mindfulness is a powerful mental toolkit worth each penny. With the guide of a specialist, you will increase your performance and achieve your set goals much faster. Even though the increased workload and responsibility remain, the mental noise will silence, and you will be capable of doing a lot with less destruction. Don’t procrastinate, take action today, and change your situation.



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