Kenya Goes Digital with Crime Reports Through Mobile App


The 21st century has strengthened to become a more technical world where technology has had its way in our day-to-day lives. Things are even becoming better for the Kenyans in the crime reporting department. The Kenya National Crime Research Center (NCRC) launched an app that will make it easier for citizens to report crimes anywhere, anytime. The mobile app is readily available in most smartphones app stores. It just requires a quick internet connection, and within a few minutes, the app is installed and ready for use from your smart device.

Structural features of the mobile app

It is easy to use and understand. They design it to mimic the police OB. The app allows you to upload photos, audios, and even PDF files related to criminal activities. For those who value their anonymity, the app guarantees that your security and privacy will be highly catered for. The questions asked are basic enough to help provide sufficient information regarding the crime you are about to report.

After collecting all this data, the app then collates the information fed. Data is collected in real-time. The specific location of the crime is as well requested in the app. This makes it even easier for the police to respond quickly and also on time.

Benefits to the community

A survey was conducted to help understand why crime reporting is not reported more often. Fifty-four percent of the findings recorded that they did not want to take the matter too far. In comparison, 40 percent had trust issues with the current policy. They feared that the police were corrupt. Three percent said the police stations were located too far from their residence. The other 3 percent feared the police.


Well, this adds to the relevance of the app. Easily accessible at the palm of your hands, hence no need to look for distance from police stations. For those who fear the police, well, they do not have to deal with them. They are merely answerable to a crime app on their phones.  The trust problem is out since the information will directly available to everyone in authority. The matter accorded it justice.



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