American based rapper Akon whose real names are Alione Badara Thiam, had in the year 2018 made a statement on having a city in Senegal. He announced that he has for the futuristic crypto city. The musician further said the city would be built on a two thousand acre land that President Macky Sall of Senegal gifted him. To seal it up, the rapper who is also an entrepreneur tweeted on Monday 13th January that he had finalized the agreement.” I just completed the agreement for Akon city in Senegal. Looking forward to hosting you there.”
Akon’s biggest dream for Africa
After staying in Senegal at an early age, Akon moved to Union City, New Jersey, at the age of 7. He is well known because of his songs like lonely, locked up, and oh Africa. However, of late, the rapper is best known as a businessman than a musician. This is due to his recent venture called Akon Lighting Africa.
He also came up with his cryptocurrency called Akoin. The project s about providing the African countries with solar power. During an interview in 2013, Akon said.
” I want to make the biggest impact in Africa for sure. If it could have my way, Africa would be the United States of Africa.”
For a decade now, after the song “lonely” become a hit, many could already have forgotten about the musician. The rapper took his time to build what he could call his own. One of these projects is Akoin. The musician had previously revealed that his new city would be a 100% crypto-based city. And during an interview in 2019, he confirmed that the city is underway.
It is his great hope that Akoin would get into an international level. He claimed that having an Akoin project made him most excited than the Akon city project.
“You might get a vacation. When you transfer your American dollars into their money, you might just be transferring it into Akoins. That’s the goal.”
Akon city
Akon explains that the city is a ten-year project. The idea is to do it in stages, and so the first started in March 2019, where else the second stage will commence in 2025. The city will be in Senegal despite getting criticism from Cannon, who said only a billionaire could afford to build a whole city. In response to he said,
“I always felt like if you must label yourself a billionaire, I don’t think billionaires even label themselves billionaires. You know you have no idea. But the crazy part about it, though, when I hear stuff like that, it makes me sad.”
He further said,” when I travel, I see so many things that happen so many people that need assistance and so many things that need to be resolved and if you can have billion dollars sitting in the bank while you have all these people suffering and struggling? Man, it is just crazy. It is like a waste of a billion-dollar sitting literally.” He then told Cannon he was in a mission, and all he wants is to leave a legacy. In the statement about, Akoin he says that the city will only take your five minutes to get to an airport, and it will be near Dakar.
The musician recent post on his Instagram confirms his new city,
“Just finalized the agreement for AKON CITY in Senegal. Looking forward to hosting you there in the future”
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