Zimbabwe’s First Cigar Manufacturing Company Starts Production


Cigar first company in Zimbabwe starts its operation to produce millions of tobacco. A top Zimbabwean businessman launches the first locally produced brand of hand-rolled cigars. Despite the coronavirus affecting almost every sector of the economy, the company fights all the odds to bring up manufacturing.

Last year, Zimbabwe produce worth of 252 million kilograms of tobacco.   This huge production returns ranks the country at sixth position in the world largest tobacco producers. Almost all of its produce is exported to China, Germany and other external markets.

The start of huge production of Cigar in Zimbabwe, 2020

Shep Mafundikwa a native Zimbabwean is the man behind cigar produce in the country. Upon his return from the US where he has stayed for 15 years, the guy came back with idea which would take the country to the global market competition.

“Though I am not a drinker, I noticed a predominance of cigar lounges across the United States and decided I’d try to corner some of that market.”

Said Mafundikwa, 54, who is a former employee of an American airline.

He begun with benchmarking with the top cigar producers for example Cuba and Dominican Republic. And at last recruited Dominican cigar rolling whizz Elias Lopez. The duo has worked brilliantly and selected air-cured tobacco. The darker variety that takes from a small ratio of the local production. In May this year, the company introduced Mosi Oa Tunya Cigars, the local name of Victoria Falls, which refers to the ‘smoke that thunders’

Defying all the challenges and going for the BEST

“It was like building the house from scratch. Though I had settled on the hand-rolled cigars but there was still equipment needed.”

Mafundikwa says.

One of the biggest challenges was the fragile nature of the Zimbabwe’s tobacco. This forced the company to import special wrappers to help in ensuring that the process go smoothly. When the coronavirus outbreak in Zimbabwe started in March the stopped for a while. The whole progress delayed because of the country-wide lockdown restriction.

When the Mosi Oa Tunya gained popularity in May, Lopez has taken the initiative to teach seven Zimbabwean women the expertise of rolling cigars. They are rolling about 200 cigars a day which they only do with the help of their teacher. On the other hand, Lopez can do up to 2000 cigars in a day!

Something worth noting, Mafundikwa only works with all-women rolling team. He deliberately choose to hire only females to empower women in the local. And provide them with income for their sustenance.

Ready to hit the Market!

Victoria Falls, also known as Mosi Oa Tunya cigars exists in different types. That is, sizes, the market prices and the sweet flavor that makes it the people’s favorite in the country. The producer having expert minds made a top notch cigar that is good for both the professional and novice smokers.

Many restaurants in the country is ready to stock in the ciagrs. Peter Mubi – who is a restaurant owner says he plans to stock the cigars when his shop – closed by coronavirus – reopens.




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