World Health Organization’s COVAX Kicks Off Distribution


The COVAX Scheme is initiated by the World Health Organization, Gavi, and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations to ensure low-income states have access to covid vaccines. The program was designed to ensure that developed countries can make vaccine donations to the under-developed ones, more so as both are battling the same virus.

COVAX Supplies Covid Vaccines

The COVAX Programme became a concern when the underdeveloped states started recording spikes in the number of covid cases. To date, there is hope among nationals from such states considering they anticipate vaccines from COVAX. The COVAX program aims to distribute about two billion doses of covid vaccine worldwide come to the end of this year. They are targeting over 190 countries, and part of its objective is to ensure that 92 poorer countries receive access to vaccines simultaneously as 98 wealthy nations.

Other than COVAX, the WHO aims to ensure the equitable distribution of vaccines across the globe. That is despite cases of vaccine nationalism making headlines. Some time back, rich nations have been accused of hoarding vaccines, which has earned them criticism. South African President was among the leaders who condemned the wealthy states for making pre-orders and storing excess vaccines in their stores while most African nations were suffering.

Meanwhile, it happens that COVAX has begun distributing covid vaccines. And sure enough, Ghana and Ivory Coast are among the top countries to receive the vaccines.

Ghana Begins Vaccination

On Wednesday, Ghana received a total of 600000 AstraZeneca vaccines produced by the Serum Institute of India. As such, the immunization process is expected to kick off this week, with health officials, elderly groups, and vulnerable populations topping the list. The health officials are the most endangered considering they are conducting the tests and attending to covid patients.

The WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund said in a joint statement that it was a momentous occasion and critical in bringing the pandemic to an end. So much positivity has rented the air since the onset of vaccination campaigns worldwide.

As of now, out of Ghana’s 30 million population, it has recorded over 80,700 coronavirus cases and 580 deaths. And because of the reduced testing, the daily numbers have dropped. Nevertheless, it is unfortunate as the virus continues to spread at an alarming rate. Though the vaccines are not generally meant for children, Unicef is involved in the scheme because of its procurement and logistics of vaccine delivery. Unicef told BBC that Ghana was among the first countries to receive its first batch from COVAX as it had met the precedent conditions for receiving the vaccine.

Other than Ghana, some African states like Senegal have started vaccinating their populations using China’s sinopharm vaccine. China is one of the developed states which has always stood in solidarity with Africa amid challenging times. Since the covid pandemic kicked off, it has been releasing PPEs to Africa and promised to supply them with vaccines. Coronavirus is an epidemic that requires countries to unite to defeat it.



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