Will Africa’s Digital Revolution Attract Youths for Agriculture?


Digital Revolution

Africa is embracing the digital revolution. The continent embraced the mobile phone instead of expanding the landline telephone. A traditional bank account also did not come off the ground. This was because mobile banking made its appearance.  Africa is looking forward to an excellent opportunity because of the convergence of the new technology in transforming the agriculture sector. This is In Combination with the Raising Starts Up.

What are the Chances of Food Security and The Future of the Youths in Africa?

The digital revolution is growing well in Africa. In 2016, two-thirds of the sub-Saharan population had a mobile phone. This is to means that the number of smartphones will grow in Africa. In 2015, there were two hundred and twenty-six million connections in Africa. The expectation is that by the end of 2020, connections will be seven hundred million. Africa has also seen internet penetration growing quick. Internet users across Africa have increased by 20% more than in 2017.

Growing the Startup Tech Sector in Africa.

The growth of the IT sector is also proof that the digital revolution in Africa is booming. In Nairobi, which is the capital city of Kenya, you will find several hubs for innovation. The startup rises from there. You will find the Konza city, which is a Silicon Valley counterpart. Also, there is I Hub, which is a community with over ten thousand people impact investors and innovators, and it is continuously growing.

There are more innovative products arising from such Hubs. For example, there is a 3DAgDev project. This 3DAgDev uses 3D printing so it can provide technology to ‘design and develop their own labor-saving agricultural tools’ to women who are smallholder farmers. It helps them to ‘local tool manufacturers can copy plastic prototypes and develop their modifications.’

The new technology is simplifying the manufacturing industry. It allows entrepreneurs and countries to focus more on the businesses’ side. However, the demand of the consumers is what will determine the industrialization of Africa. That way, the rising of the middle class, the entrepreneurial startup booming are the two things to look up.

How Will Digital Revolution Make Agriculture Attractive for Youths in Africa.

It is essential to make agriculture attractive to youths in Africa. This is because the African farmer average age is sixty years. Despite having half of Africa’s population is under twenty-five years. This is the age that has a wrong perception about becoming a farmer that, like their parents.there is an estimation that by 2035, the population will have increased by half a million.  This therefore means, there is a need to create eighteen million more jobs every year. This will help in providing work for the growing population of the youth in Africa. There is an excellent opportunity in the agriculture sector in Africa. Not only because agriculture has a potential that is enormous untapped but also, there is much need to secure food for the future and more especially in sub-Saharan African.



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