Top 9 Foods in Pregnancy for a Happy Tummy and Mommy


Yay! You’re all set to welcome a new life, and your excitement knows no bounds but are wondering which foods are perfect in pregnancy. So here’s a tip. Just go with the flow and enjoy everything that comes your way. You may hear a lot about eating or avoiding, how to exercise, and a zillion other things. However, all it takes is a mother’s instinct, and a balanced diet plan with loads of nutrition to sail you through this magical journey.

Here are the top foods in pregnancy to keep yourself equipped with the best nutrition for a happy tummy and mommy.

The don’ts before the do’s

It does not take rocket science to distinguish between nutritious and non-nutritious food, so first, get rid of any unhealthy eating habits that you may have. Yes, it’s hard but cutting down on your caffeine for now, not good for your baby.

For a healthy baby development in the fetus, mark your diet plan with the following nutritional requirements:

Dairy Products for Calcium & Protein

One of the best sources of calcium, dairy products are among the excellent foods in pregnancy to take care of the regular dietary requirements. You can count heavily on milk, cheese, and yogurt. If you are vegan, you can use substitutes, and otherwise, you can rely on probiotic versions of dairy such as buttermilk, yoghurt smoothies.

Legumes–Superfoods in Pregnancy

These plant-based sources are the best for pregnant women because they are rich in folate, fiber, protein, iron and calcium. Folate is highly essential in the first trimester for the baby’s brain development. Have a nutritious meal with legumes such as peas, beans, chickpeas, peanuts, lentils and soybeans. You can make tasty variations, like hummus, with whole-grain loaves of bread or beans filled tacos and make for a sumptuous and healthy meal.

Sweet Potatoes

One of the richest sources of Vitamin A, you cannot go wrong with sweet potatoes as foods in pregnancy for your baby’s sound development. Since it is a plant compound, its fiber and beta-carotene components take control of your sugar levels, improve digestion and keep you full for longer.

Salmon Fish Foods in Pregnancy

In pregnancy, another essential component needed for a baby’s brain development is omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon is a beautiful choice for ensuring you get Omega-3 in your diet. While you may avoid high mercury fish in pregnancy, fatty fish such as Salmon, when cooked thoroughly, will be a super healthy alternative. It also has Vitamin D, which is rarely found and is essential for bone health.

Eggs – Powerhouse Foods in Pregnancy

Eggs are the superfood for those proteins. Also, it has good fat, many vitamins and minerals and a nutrient, ‘choline’, which helps prevent any fetal abnormalities or disorders in pregnancy. Ensure cooking them thoroughly, like boiled eggs or scrambled paired with your favorite veggie wraps, for a healthy meal.

Don’t forget the Greens

Make sure you add your broccoli, kale, spinach and other green veggies to your daily meals and salads. These are loaded with vitamins such as A, C, and K besides iron and potassium. These foods in pregnancy provide much fiber and help your bowels go steady. If you are not a fan of green salads, consider mixing them to form thick smoothies to relish.

Fruits on your Platter

Fruits have to be your best friends, and this family has everything to offer to everyone. Make way for regular servings of fruits between your meals. Citrus fruits, like oranges, are rich in Vitamin C, while apples are great for fiber. Bananas have potassium and protein. Kiwis and Watermelons are the healthiest options that give you ample folic acid for iron absorption, vitamins A, C and B6, potassium and magnesium. Eat strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries as a daily dose of antioxidants for the immunity of both the mother and baby. Avocados are also rich in folic acid and potassium.

Dried Fruit and Nuts

The tiny nuts and dried fruits are powerhouses of proteins, vitamins, omega-3, minerals and other nutrients. They have natural sugar, which helps control your sugar in pregnancy, and you pack them anywhere, be it for the office or traveling. Make a protein-filled power snack by mixing up a couple of dried fruits and nuts, and you’re all set to go.

Keep Hydrated

It’s a baby growing inside, and therefore, don’t just expect things to go all smoothly without taking good care. Drink loads of water so that you are relieved from constipation and urinary tract infections. It would be best if you made a couple of extra trips to the washroom, but staying hydrated at all times will help you release all the toxins regularly and help your hormones too.

There’s no perfect diet; it varies from one pregnancy to another. However, all you need to remember is to get balanced nutrition with ample rest and minimal stress, and it will all be worth it.

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