The Future of Education Summit in Johannesburg


The Future of Education summit is happening today. It was set for 4th December in Johannesburg, South Africa. During the opening speech, the Vice-Chancellor, University of Witwatersrand, said that university education must evolve. This summit wants to confirm whether education today is reactive or proactive. Over 700 years, universities have faced the threat of closure, but most have evolved, therefore passed the test of time. This summit will look into the current system of education to know where improvement is needed. To properly place the youths in the best position to secure employment, education matters are discussed. The future of education summit in Johannesburg is in line with the wake of quality education for all in Africa.

The place of education with the emergence of technology

Attendees of the summit insist on the fact that education has to improve with the rise of technology. Today jobs have been replaced with automation. Thus, education has to keep up with this trend; otherwise, educative remains reactive. With the Internet of Things, Information Technology and Robotics, education in universities might be on the losing end. This forum seeks to find ways to take advantage of the technology revolution all over the world. Jobs have a new phase of technology that university students need to embrace to secure their future. Universities must revolutionize large research centers throughout the globe. Removing institutional boundaries helps to open doors for all so that they tap into the opportunities the world gives them. The future of the education summit in Johannesburg will solve the issues affecting education today.

The unemployment menace

Everyone can tell the impact of mismatch of educational courses to job needs. It mostly affects young people. When an education system is unorganized, the graduates are unable to get jobs right away. We need an education system that puts the graduates in a better position to get jobs that match their skills, experience, and expertise. One of the solutions to unemployment would be embracing the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects. By so doing, the graduates will have the know-how needed in the workplace today.

Streamlining the education systems needs more than just incorporating technology. It also means financing the whole process so that quality can be assured. Being creators of knowledge, universities need money for infrastructure as well as for catering for other costs — proper financing and improving the universities better the education system. The future of the education summit in Johannesburg seeks to solve the crisis in the education sector.

Adaptive teaching and adaptive learning

Colleges and universities must teach business to graduates to help them become self-reliant in the future. This is because the world is moving at a quick speed, especially in business and technology. The graduates need to learn about those investments, businesses, and technologies that will help them earn a living. They will as well help them develop their careers. Technology has not come to replace lecturers, no! Technology is an additional teaching tool that helps the lecturers deliver knowledge to the students better. Familiarizing the students with technology is also a learning ground for them to create their knowledge. The technologies in the 21st century are an asset to our students, so they should take full advantage of it.


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