Technology: The Most Technologically Advanced African States


Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Before technology developed to be what it is today, the world was experiencing some challenges. Today, there are social apps that allow people to communicate and connect regardless of their locations. There are cars that one can use to travel or move from one place to another.


So, what is an advanced technology? This is a developing IT innovation that still has few uses but has potential for the future. Examples of advanced tech are artificial intelligence and virtual reality and 3D visualization in the case of the new PS5. Technology is very important in today’s world. Most activities such as learning, researching, and industrial depend mostly on tech.


Therefore, it is vital to continue improving technology rather than destroying it since the future depends on it. In Africa, tech has improved in most countries, and here are the top 10 African states in terms of technological advancement.


#1 Angola

As one of the most infra-structurally developed states in the African region in excellent architecture, the science and tech industry remains limited. Angola has many scientific research centers with government laws to facilitate innovations. The future of the country is bright and promising in terms of technology.


Some state’s research institutes include the Cotton Scientific Research Center, Agronomic Research Institute, and the Institute for Veterinary Research in Lubango. Others include the Angola Medical Research Institute and the Angolan Directorate of Geological and Mining Services.


#2 Zimbabwe

Technologically, Zimbabwe is not having a great tech revolution. However, tech in the state is gradually advancing. Zimbabwe has many human skills that the country can use for better technological advancement.


#3 Uganda

A study shows that the state is one of the 3 African states that has advanced technological capabilities. A year ago, UG was 36th out of more than 50 states on the Ibrahim Index of African Governance. More than 30% of the country’s population has access to the internet and about 45% has access to phone subscriptions.


Globally, the state is among the globe’s nations that have an advanced innovation capability.


#4 Botswana

Botswana has grand plans to harness science and tech to enhance its economy. In 2009, Deaftronics came up with a solar-powered hearing aid and since then the firm has sold over 9000 of the hearing aids.


Each of the aids includes more than 2 rechargeable batteries and a solar charger for them. In 2016, BITRI came up with a testing kit for the foot and mouth disease in cooperation with others.


#5 Rwanda

Rwanda is becoming one of the most technologically advanced states in the region. It is aiming to become a regional home for African Information tech. International tech firms are striving to set up branches in Rwanda.


The state has one of the fastest internet services on the continent with the coming up of the 4G LTE network in the state.


#6 Ghana

Ghana is one of the top tech states on the African continent. It has one of the best surroundings to support advances in tech. Over the years, much technological innovation has originated from Ghana.


Some of these innovations include a Ghanaian developing an affordable video conferencing system.


#7 Kenya

Kenya is also a home of many technological innovations and inventions. Some inventions that have originated from the country are Antony’s charging shoe and an alarm fitted TV. A 44-year-old man is the inventor or creator of the alarm fitted television. The inventions are out of the state to include the solar-powered refrigerator.


#8 Nigeria

Nigeria is leading in terms of technological advancement in Africa. It is the hub to iROKO partners, an internet firm with more than 5.8m users from different nations. There are great achievements in mobile and web application growth across Nigeria.


#9 Egypt

It is the 2nd most technologically advanced state in the African region. People recognize Egypt as the birth state of today’s civilization and the center of innovations and inventions. Some of the best higher learning institutions in Africa are in the state, and they support tech growth.


#10 South Africa

The country ranks 53rd out of over 140 nations compared to the world. Some of the best innovations and inventions to originate from SA are Linux Ubuntu and Multi-choice, a broadcasting company.



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