Sudan conflict approaches 100th day as mediation fails.


In this in-depth article, we examine the ongoing conflict in Sudan, which has now entered its 100th day of strife, and the unsuccessful attempts at mediation. The situation in Sudan remains a matter of global concern, and understanding the complexities of the conflict is crucial to finding lasting solutions.

The Republic of Sudan, located in Northeast Africa, has been grappling with internal conflicts for decades. The recent escalation in violence and the failure of mediation efforts have heightened the urgency to address the root causes of the crisis. This article delves into the historical context, current situation, and challenges in resolving the Sudanese conflict.

Historical Context of Conflict in Sudan

The roots of the Sudanese conflict can be traced back to Sudan’s colonial past and European powers’ imposition of artificial borders. The nation’s diversity of ethnicities, religions, and cultures has led to tensions and struggles for power and resources.

North-South Divide

One of Sudan’s most significant fault lines is the North-South divide, primarily based on religious and ethnic differences. The largely Arab and Muslim North clashed with the Christian and animist South, leading to the First Sudanese Civil War (1955-1972) and the Second Sudanese Civil War (1983-2005).

Darfur Conflict

In addition to the North-South divide, the Darfur conflict emerged in the western region of Sudan in the early 2000s. This conflict resulted from disputes over land, resources, and political representation, leading to widespread violence and displacement.

The Current Conflict and its Escalation

The present conflict in Sudan originates in the aftermath of the Second Sudanese Civil War. After the secession of South Sudan in 2011, Sudan faced internal challenges in governance and economic stability, exacerbating existing tensions.

Protests and Political Unrest

In December 2018, widespread protests erupted across Sudan, demanding political reforms, an end to corruption, and an inclusive government. The protests ultimately led to the ousting of President Omar al-Bashir in April 2019, but the political transition remained fragile.

Ethnic and Regional Divisions

As the political situation remained, uncertain, ethnic and regional divisions resurfaced, leading to armed conflicts in different parts of the country. The situation has deteriorated, with various armed groups vying for control and influence.

Failed Mediation Attempts

The international community has tried to mediate and bring peace to Sudan. However, these efforts have faced significant challenges and have not yielded the desired results.

Peace Negotiations and Agreements

Various peace negotiations have been brokered by regional and international actors, resulting in agreements such as the Darfur Peace Agreement and the Juba Peace Agreement. Despite these agreements, the implementation has been marred by non-compliance and mistrust among the parties involved.

Complexities of Mediating Ethnic Conflicts

Mediating the Sudanese conflict involves navigating intricate ethnic and regional dynamics, where deep-seated grievances and historical animosities persist. The multitude of armed groups and divergent interests make reaching a unified resolution daunting.

The Path Forward: A Call for Comprehensive Dialogue

Resolving the Sudanese conflict requires a holistic approach that addresses the root causes and acknowledges the diversity of perspectives.

Inclusivity and Representation

Any successful mediation process must ensure the meaningful inclusion of all stakeholders representing different ethnicities, regions, and political affiliations. Genuine representation can foster trust and build a foundation for lasting peace.

Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities

Sudan’s economic challenges have played a significant role in fueling the conflict. Addressing poverty, inequality, and resource distribution issues is vital to building a stable and prosperous nation.

Regional and International Cooperation

The complexities of the Sudanese conflict extend beyond its borders. Regional and international cooperation and support are crucial in providing resources, expertise, and oversight to facilitate peace.


The Sudanese conflict continues to be a pressing issue that demands urgent attention and concerted efforts from the international community. Understanding the historical context, the complexities of the present conflict, and the challenges in mediation is essential in charting a path toward sustainable peace and stability in Sudan.



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