South Sudan President and Rebel Leader Agrees to Form Unity Government.


South Sudan President and Rebel Leader

Salva kier, the South Sudan president and rebel leader Riek Machar on Thursday, agreed to form a government. This will bring to an end the war that has been in the country for the last six years.  The war left Thursday of citizens died.

Kiir said the formation of the government would be on Saturday. Machar will deputize Salva Kiir. The appointment of Kiir will be on Friday.

The president said that the security arrangements were a crucial issue. He said after the formation of the next government; they will resolve the issue. He further said that he would protect Machar and other leaders from opposition.

“We have agreed to form the government in two days on February 22nd. We are still discussing other things, and I am hopeful we will resolve them all,” Machar said.

The civil war in South Sudan broke two years after marking the second anniversary of their independence from Sudan. The conflict badly hurt the economy of the nation. It also left half of its citizen’s hungry today.

Divided over states.

There are lots of major challenges facing the peace process. They include the complicated process of bringing the thousands of rebel forces into forming a unity army.

There were also widespread abuses, for example. There was mass recruitment of child soldiers and sexual violence. This is according to the report UN Commission on Human Rights on South Sudan’s statement on Thursday.

Machar on Sunday rejected an offer from Kiir, which included the plans that will reduce the number of states in South Sudan. It also proposed the creation of three administrative areas.

This rejection, which was in his statement, dashed hopes of ending the conflict and breaking the deadlock, which has left over three hundred and eighty thousand people dead and millions in high poverty.

President Kiir and rebel leader Machar are living in exile. There is much pressure for them to resolve their issues from international bodies and governments. The deadline given is February 22, 2020.

Oil Nation.

Kiir, on his opinion, suggested ten states and three administrative areas. They are the key demands of the opposition. He, however, appreciated the decision by the government to “revert to ten states,” expressing his dissatisfaction with the creation of the administration zones. He warned that those three areas are at risk of creating more problems, terming the issues as “Pandora box.”

The states’ problems are very vital; it is the determinant of how the division of power will be in South Sudan.

The country had ten states when the country gained independence from Sudan, but Kiir added them to twenty-eight and later on made them thirty-two.

President Kiir, in his remarks, said that they would issue the final matter regarding the states after the coalition government formation.

One of the administrative areas suggested is Ruweng, which is in the north. It’s known for its richness in oil. Oil in south Sudan provides the government with almost all of its revenue. This makes it one country in the world that is oil-dependent.



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