Meet Sudan Burhan; Trump Honored Guest.


Sudan’s traditional council said Burhan’s visit to Trump in the United States is designed to discuss bilateral relations. This would help the two countries forge stronger bilateral ties after decades of Hostility. And also to discuss ways of developing bilateral relations between the US and Sudan. Moreso, both sovereign nations would be able to practice Economic and Cultural relations after decades of hostility.

Sudan before it Got On Trump’s List.

In 1993 Sudan was recognized as a terrorist nation hence the US placed a ban was placed on them. Furthermore, there was an allegation that Banshir’s Islamist government was supporting terrorist groups. With this Sudan was technically ineligible for debt relief and financing from the International Monetary fund and World Bank. According to africannews .  This terrorism designation affected Sudan’s economic growth and ability to pay off debt. Its politics and Sudanese welfare was also affected since thee was a shortage of commodity which gave rise to inflation.

However, protesters hit the streets in a campaign for change and a better nation. The elected Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has so far demonstrated commitment in holding democratic elections. He has established a commission of inquiry to ensure that there is no violence against protesters. The Prime Minister has show commitment to the peace negotiations with armed opposition groups. This is according to Mr. Pompeo in a written statement.

A Sign that Us is Strengthening Ties With Sudan

The United State said in December 2019 that it would begin exchanging ambassadors with Sudan after a 23- year gap. This exchange would strengthen the diplomatic ties between both countries. The Secretary of State Mike Pompeo he said that the announcement was a result of the Trump administration’s vote of confidence in a new Sudan. A new Sudanese civilian-led government installed in August 2019 after a sweeping revolution ended military rule. The removal of Sudan from the terrorism designation list means that restrictions on foreign aid and military sales have been lifted. This leaves three countries on the list with no diplomatic ties with the United States. The countries on the terrorism designation list presently are Iran, Syria, and North Korea. According to nytimes

However, before Sudan was removed from the terrorism designation list, Lawmakers gave Sudan some conditions. It had to make peace and reach a settlement with;

  1. The families whose sons and daughters were victims of several attacks by Al Qaeda in the country.
  2. The American Embassy bombing in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998
  3. The bombing of the destroyer cole in 2000.

Benefit Of This Tie

This move of strengthening ties could help transform Sudan’s political and Economic system. This was the change protesters demanded while they filled the streets of the country’s major cities. These protesters withstood the harsh crackdowns during the summer while others were killed  their security forces.

Mr. Hamdok the Prime Minister said in an interview that, his government was committed to eliminating dehumanizing laws. Especially those laws that imposed restrictions on the dressing style of women and freedom of movement.

According to the Prime Minister, “The sky is the Limit”
And their ambition is to observe the human rights of the Sudanese.

Relate: East Africa Community Close To Using A Single Currency.


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