Social Media Influencer II: Beating the Odds


 We already established that being a social media influencer can be a very lucrative job. However, if this were as easy as snapping your fingers, almost everyone would be a millionaire, right! Before moving on further, let us do a little recap. A social media influencer, as we said before, is a person who is influential in different social media platforms such as Facebook, IG, etc. These people established credibility in particular brands through their knowledge and expertise. It Is also critical to note that it is not a 1990’s career; therefore, it is recent in the job market.

Social Media Influencer, Freddie Harrel.

Freddie Harrel, a French Blogger, businesswoman, and Confidence Coach, is a success story in this industry. She, in fact, left her banking career to start her journey as a social media influencer. Enough with the recap, I hope this jogs your mind to this new chapter!

As we know, nothing comes on a silver platter, and this is no different from Freddie Harrel. Her road as a social media influencer came with its own challenges, but most of all, she loved doing what she did; therefore, the passion made her stick around some more. Despite the challenges she knew behind the scene, she was making an impact on some of her followers reading her content. That was enough to keep her going throughout her journey. What are some of these challenges she faced as a social media influencer?

Challenges of A Social Media Influencer.

Social media influencing has a reputation for being easy and carefree. Is it possible that it’s because it is a woman-dominated field? Sometimes females tend to be more critical towards one another; therefore, be ready.  However, Freddie did not face this a lot because most of her fans were supportive. Social media Influencing can also be anxiety-inducing. This is especially when you see random people whom you do not know coming up to you having a lot of information about you and your family.

“People come up to me, and they know my husband’s name, my son’s name. They know a lot about my life, and it’s cause I tell them. However, on the other end, I don’t know a thing about them. Sometimes they have expectations about me and all that can panic-inducing,” says Freddie.

You also have to be constantly thinking, what can you do to re-invent me? What can I bring next? This is constant and keeps going on and on. The other challenge of being an entrepreneur is lacking structure. This job is not a scenario where you wake up head to work, spend your day, and come home; it’s a bit different. Social media influencers need to be a people’s person for them to succeed in this industry. The job requires one to meet new people on a daily basis constantly.

Breaking the family norm may also be challenging. If you come from a long heritage of doctors, parents may not approve of you doing fashion. Be ready for the religious and cultural backlash, especially if you come from a conservative background, and your range of fashion is extremely wide.

Beating the Odds.

These are some of the ways to help you deal with the challenges. To begin with, you constantly have to work hard, always come back to the drawing board and reinvigorate yourself. At the same time, re-invent and be creative in your work. Please do not treat your work as a mannequin. Make sure to conduct meetings, do your balance sheets, records, and have a legal presentation. Strive towards nurturing relationships, and put yourself out there.

Try to be a bit more private, not to overexpose yourself. There is a little desirability in mystery. Also, work towards maintaining a balance between you, your husband, and your family. Try not to share something intimate that you may not want to explain later. However, you can not be sharing a lot of things without personally relating to them, so at times you have to know what you must give and what to keep private.

At the end of the day, it’s all about embracing who you are and loving what you do as you reach out to people who need to hear what you have. Keep Pushing the dialogue to empower both men and women eventually.




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