Siblings Fight Over Ksh.10 Earns Family a Home and Cash for Kind Shopkeeper


A short video of two siblings fight over Ksh. 10 has brought big fortunes in the lives of the children’s family and the shopkeeper.

Early February this year, a shopkeeper, Daniel Gacheru, started his day as usual at his small shop in Kambaa village, Nyandarua County. On that morning, his first customers were two pupils, James Mwangi and his sister Teresia Nyakinyua. They are nine years and seven years old, respectively. Both were going to Bora Primary School found within the village.

“It was around 7am when the two came to my shop. The girl had Ksh 10 which was just enough for what she wanted –a pencil and rubber. But her brother also wanted a pencil from the same money,” Gacheru narrates.

Without getting into an agreement, the two started a heated and intense argument, which the shopkeeper, out of surprise of the siblings’ fight, recorded on his phone.

The Viral Video where the siblings fight over Ksh. 10

The short video found its way into social media and went viral.

“The money was given to me and I want a pencil and a rubber,” Nyakinyua tells her brother, who replies: “We are buying two pencils, one for me and another for you”

The video ends with Mwangi telling his sister that she should listen to him when he speaks and that he has the final decision on how the amount will be spent.

After watching the siblings have heated arguments, Gacheru said he was surprised by the demands of the two and knew he had to help them, or they would be late for school.

The shopkeeper who had no intention of sharing the video says the argument between the siblings was dramatic and emotional. And after the video, he calmed them and paid extra Ksh. 10 so that both could have a pencil and rubber. They then happily left for school.

After keeping the video for some time, Gacheru shared the video with one of his contacts whom he warned not to share with anyone because the pupils were minors, and he had not informed their parents. Contrary to his wishes, the video went viral, and he had to visit the siblings’ parents and apologize.

The break of the good news to the family

Little did he know that the video would bring big fortune to himself and the humble family. It happened that the family only had Ksh. Ten on that morning and they had to give it to their children to spend on class items.

“My last born daughter was sick. I only had Ksh. 10 on top of my transport to the hospital. I gave it to my daughter and told my son to borrow a pencil from his friends, promising to buy him one the next day,” Said their mother, Mary Wambui.

The sibling’s parents Simon Mukundi and Mary Wambui, are low-income earners who live in a two-bedroom semi-permanent house with a leaking roof with only an old sofa, which has weak wooden frames to sit on. The mother is a stay-at-home wife, and the father does menial jobs within the village.

However, the story of the two kids is about to pour a series of blessings into their family. They have received a lot of support from Kenyans, among them a land-buying company, iron sheet factory, Nyandarua Women Representatives, and Deputy President William Ruto.

The Massive Fortunes gifts the family received

The Deputy President hosted the family at his Karen residence in Nairobi, where he promised to support the family and start a project for them, which will change and better their lives.

“Nyakinyua and Mwangi remind us of our childhood in our rural homes; the daily challenge of budgeting for so little in the face of many needs. To ensure they have a stable foundation I have assigned my farm manager to personally ensure their parents establish a fully funded 500 –chicken farm,”

Ruto said.

More fortune has favored the family with Dhahabu Land Limited and Ruiru Mabati factory together agreeing to construct a three-bedroom permanent house complete with a cowshed, which is almost complete.

The area MP Faith Gitau has offered a full scholarship to the two children and will pay the medical expenses for their sick last born who suffers from cerebral palsy.

The desire for education brought the two children to the publicity. The Mp has offered for their full scholarship up to levels they want to pursue. Also, he sent out a wheelchair for the girl with cerebral palsy and will pay for her medical expenses and therapy sessions.

Kindness pays Ksh. 50,000 to Gacheru

Gacheru did not meet the Deputy President at his Karen. Still, in a phone conversation with the DP, the shopkeeper received Ksh.50, 000 support to expand his business and was highly appreciated for his kindness in solving the sibling’s fight.

“It is you who brought the family to the limelight. I will support them. For now I am sending Gitau with 50,000 for you to restock the goods in your shop. I want to see it grow to a supermarket. Soon I will be visiting you,” said Ruto.




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