Shocker! Ethiopian Parliament Postpones Elections


It remains unclear if Prime Minister Abiy, Ethiopian leader, should stay in power beyond his office term. Abiy Ahmed joined the office in 2018 and since then has been an outstanding leader to the second-most populous country in Africa.

However, because of the coronavirus pandemic, Ethiopian lawmakers postponed the elections, extending Abiy’s term.

“The House of Federation has approved a decision to extend the term of all assemblies until international health institutions have deemed the threat from coronavirus to be over,” the Ethiopian News Agency reported on Wednesday, referring to the upper house of parliament.

Opposition leaders regarded this as an illegitimate act. This decision even led to the resignation of a top speaker from the opposition.

The legislators reached the decision which was influenced by the council of constitutional inquiry. This council is to provide solutions to delicate state issues.

The Ethiopian government doesn’t plan to conduct any elections soon. Especially after the council advises, they hold their elections 9to 12 months after corona is no longer a public health concern.

Electoral Board Having a Challenge Planning for Elections

Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s electoral board said they can’t plan for elections on time. Saying voting requires so much planning hence would be a big challenge for them.

Similarly,2506 people have tested positive for the novel disease and 35 deaths. This unavoidable circumstance makes it hard to conduct elections, hence no effective solutions for the country’s constitution do not provide answers to this situation too.

Some opposition parties suggested that they conduct elections under guidance from the transitional government.PM Abiy dismissed the suggestion on Monday while consulting with the lawmakers.

These Opposing parties having been questioning Abiy’s government. They even criticized the upper parliament for siding with the PM and alleged he was using the pandemic as an excuse to artificially retain power.

Some oppositions also claim that the parliament’s judgment wasn’t just. Why? It’s because they are part of the state’s governing body.

However, analysts have cautioned that because of the clashes, there will be protests or boycotts in the country that will cause violence.

Top Head Speaker Resigns

The country’s head speaker, Keria Ibrahim of the TPLF opposition party, resigned claiming she would not work with people violating the constitution.

Tigray People’s Liberation Front is an opposing party which since March has refuted the Parliament’s decision to postpone elections.

This opposing party promised to conduct its elections in Tigray. One region in Ethiopia with the most influential ethnic groups.

Does PM Abiy Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

Since joining the office, Prime Minister Abiy reinstated a series of measures which promoted freedom in the country. In 2019, he won the Nobel peace prize.

Nonetheless, he is having a challenge solving conflicts with his opponents who demand he steps down from power.

The opposing parties claimed that the Wednesday vote will influence the development of uprisings, especially if the PM continues to stay in power.

“We would like to express our concern that large-scale mass uprisings which could transform into violence may arise, and this will not only take us back to square one, it will also be difficult to contain for a government already dealing with multiple socioeconomic and public health challenges,” the parties said.



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