Several People Murdered in Central Mali Tribal Attacks


For a long time, Mali has been facing multiple tribal attacks. The same fate follows the nation, with many killed in the recent tribal fights. According to the officials, at least 27 citizens lost their life’s in three attacks between Tuesday and Wednesday.

As per Thursday reports, armed men on motorcycles attacked Dagon farming villages and killed civilians. Now, the violence between the groups causes insecurity situations all across the country’s semi-arid and arid regions.

Political instability and tribal attacks

Central Mali recent years ravage results from ethnic reprisal killings between the Fulani herding community and Dagon farming. The two always fight over their long-standing demands and grievances. Local Reuter’s officials believe that the attacks started as people claimed to defend Fulani against their rival Dagon.

Doucombo vice mayor, Yacouba Kassogue, also comments on the ongoing uncertainty. Mr. Yacouba says that the attacks on Tille municipality surprised many. Indeed, it is heartless as they shot and burned each other alive.

The fights carry on to neighboring regions such as Koro and Banks, with at least 20 civilians killed. As a result, the blame now falls to the Mali army.  However, a spokesman says that groups and residents criticize the military for not protecting civilians in Mali.

Increased violence

Still, violence between Fulani and Dagon causes insecurity in the nearby regions. The most affected parts are semi-arid and deserts used as army bases by the terror groups. According to reports, the attackers associate with the al-Qaeda terrorists and the ISIL group. Due to diversity in grievances, violence steams up between Fulani cattle traders and Dogon traditional inactive farmers.

According to the United Nations mission in Mali, there are at least 488 deaths caused by Fulani attacks in Segou and Mopti last year.  The bloody raid left about 160 Fulani villagers dead in Ogossagou. Furthermore, the Fulani grazers suspected Dogon hunters for the attack. Likewise, MINUSMA said that since 2018 January, the Fulani attackers caused 63 deaths in the Mopti region.

Besides, it is now seven years since the MINUSMA began its operations in Mali. Sure, this is one of the most dangerous missions, with 125 mediators killed since deployment. A consultancy tracing political hostility, Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) also reflect on these attacks. The board says it recorded about 300 civilian killings in Mali for the first three months of 2020. Indeed, this is a 90 percent increase compared to the previous quarter.


It is agonizing to see how African nations suffer from massive ethnic conflicts. Well, people tend to have political differences, but it isn’t a reason to slaughter each other. In my opinion, this is not the time to grow enmity between ourselves. Instead, let’s unite, strive together, and build the African community.

Although this is a long shot, each country should try its best to avoid ethnicity since it destroys the good in people. Everyone craves for a brighter, prosperous, and secure future. Together, we can make Africa a better place.



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