Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Delays Naming Cabinet


Earlier this month, Dbeibah Hamid was elected as Libyan Prime Minister by Libyan delegates during an UN-sponsored conference in Geneva. The 75-member state political dialogue Forum also elected a three-member Presidential council. The representatives expect the newly elected forces to lead Libya through general elections scheduled for December this year.

Controversial Libya

Since the dethronement of former President Muammar Gadaffi, a lot has changed. Governments have been divided into east and west, with each regime having its defense forces. Due to failure to understand each other, the troops have been involved in constant riots, with Tripoli serving as the violence hotspot.

The two regimes are the: Government of National Accord, which Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj heads, while the LNA, in eastern Libya, backed by General Khalifa Haftar. The GNA is based in Tripoli and recognized by the UN.

Dbeibah Elected New PM

Mr. Dbeibah, a 61 years old engineer and businessman, who once held posts under Gaddafi, was selected on February 5th by a forum of Libyan delegates at UN-led talks in Switzerland. The Prime Minister was tasked with the decision to formulate a new cabinet. He has until March 19th to win the Cabinet’s approval before finally resolving the problems in Libya.

Amid a videoconferencing meeting in Switzerland, the 61-year-old pledged to use education and security as a path towards training. He stated that they would work so that security organs are professional and weapons placed under state monopoly.

Failure to Name Cabinet

Prime Minister Abdul delaying in naming the Cabinet has raised questions on whether his interim government would unite the divided Libyan State. Mr. Hamid Dbeibah was set to announce his Cabinet during a news conference at Tripoli and send it to Libya’s House of Representatives for approval. Nevertheless, Mr. Abdul told the reporters that he only released proposed guidelines for selecting the Cabinet and a vision of his priorities in the future.

“We submitted today a proposition for a structure and a working vision of a national unity government along with the selection criteria for (that) team … to the speaker of Parliament,” Dbeibah told reporters in Tripoli on Thursday evening.

He also stated that their submission date was in line with United Nation’s deadline; hence there was no need for panic or unrest. According to the UN’s requirements of the Cabinet, about 30 percent of the top government posts were to be filled by women and young men, and that’s as precise as Dbeibah plans. Sources reported that PM Dbeibah affirmed that the proposed ministers’ names would be disclosed during the coming Parliament proceedings. The UN intervention’s main reason is to ensure Libya conducts a democratic election before the year ends and has an official ruling government.

One of the reasons for delaying naming the Cabinet is that the PM selectively chooses the members to ensure that the Cabinet genuinely seeks to achieve national unity and peace. More so, as Libya is in dire need of peace to return to normalcy, rebuild its economy and ensure unity.



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