Nigeria’s Air Force Upgrade: 24 Fighter Jets Procurement from Italy’s Leonardo

Nigeria's Air Force Upgrade: 24 Fighter Jets Procurement from Italy
Nigeria plans purchase of 24 fighter jets from Italy

Nigeria’s Air Force Upgrade: 24 Fighter Jets Procurement from Italy’s Leonardo

Nigeria is set to enhance its air force capabilities by acquiring 24 fighter jets from Italy’s Leonardo (LDOF.MI), as air force spokesperson Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet announced on Friday. The procurement aims to modernize Nigeria’s fleet and strengthen its air force, with the aircraft scheduled to arrive in the country in four batches of six jets each.

According to Gabkwet, Africa’s most populous nation is slated to receive the first six M-346 fighter aircraft before the end of the year. This development follows Claudio Sabatino, Vice President of Leonardo, ‘s recent visit to Nigeria’s air force chief in Abuja, which indicates the advancement of negotiations between the two parties.

In addition to the acquisition, Leonardo will provide a minimum of 25 years of maintenance support, ensuring the sustained operational readiness of the fighter jets. The move aligns with Nigeria’s strategic objectives to enhance its capacity to combat insurgency, particularly in the northeastern region where Boko Haram militants and the Islamic State regional affiliate are active. Moreover, the country seeks to address the prevalent challenges of kidnapping and banditry across its territory.

Nigeria aims to strengthen its defense capabilities and effectively counter security threats by bolstering its air force capabilities with modern fighter aircraft, reaffirming its commitment to safeguarding national security and territorial integrity.

The acquisition of the M-346 fighter aircraft from Leonardo represents a significant step towards modernizing Nigeria’s air force and enhancing its operational effectiveness in combating various security threats. Leonardo’s commitment to providing long-term maintenance support further ensures the sustainability and reliability of Nigeria’s air defense capabilities over the years.

Moreover, the phased delivery of the fighter jets in batches reflects a strategic approach to gradually bolstering Nigeria’s air force fleet, allowing for effective integration and training of air force personnel. By prioritizing the acquisition of modern aircraft equipped with advanced technology, Nigeria demonstrates its determination to stay ahead of evolving security challenges and maintain a credible deterrent against potential adversaries.

The collaboration between Nigeria and Leonardo underscores the importance of international partnerships in addressing complex security issues. Through cooperation with reputable defense contractors like Leonardo, Nigeria can leverage expertise, resources, and technological advancements to strengthen its defense capabilities and better protect its citizens.

Overall, the acquisition of 24 fighter jets signifies Nigeria’s commitment to enhancing its defense capabilities and ensuring the safety and security of its citizens. As these aircraft are deployed to counter-insurgency and other security threats, Nigeria reaffirms its resolve to uphold peace, stability, and sovereignty within its borders.


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