Nigeria Growing Efforts To Battles Cancer.


There was a time when the Nigeria government did not make adequate health provisions for his people, and many suffered. We all know that a government that does not provide access to health facilities for her people would be crippled health-wise. Cancer is different from a tumor; a tumor does not spread, but cancer invades other parts of the body. Cancer is a disease that causes abnormal cell growth in a part of the body with the potential of most common type of cancer in the world is breast cancer found in women; it develops in the cell of the breast, causing pain. Other types of cancer include;

  • Basal cancer, a kind of skin cancer that starts from the basal cell.
  • Leukemia cancer invades blood-forming tissues, thereby hindering the body’s ability to fight infections.
  • Prostate cancer mostly affects men. Its found in a man’s prostate.
  • Skin cancer (melanoma); this is a chronic type of skin cancer
  • Colon cancer occurs at the colon or rectum, located at the lower end of the digestive tract.
  • Lymphoma cancer of the lymphatic system. (the network of vessels through which lymph drains from the tissues into the blood).
  • Lung Cancer mostly affects smokers because it is cancer that begins in the

Battle Against Cancer In Nigeria

Indeed cancer is a life-altering disease that its victims should be shown love and support but reverse the case because many of them are abandoned to die. That was because so many shrouded the discussion of cancer in secrecy. It caused a lot to isolate themselves from help. Although Isolation in victims was inevitable because the information on cancer cases was low and almost absent on the media. Some who were affected by cancer disease suffered stigmatization and lacked proper health care from those around them.

However, today the story has changed because there is a growing collaboration in almost all sectors to create awareness. So there are campaigns and conferences in different parts of the country educating people on cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Moreso initiatives have been birthed in various forms such as Medical Cancer Foundation (Medicaid) found by Dr. Zainab Shinkafi Bagudu in 2009. Dr. Zainab is a pediatrician and a humanitarian taking the lead in creating awareness for cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Medicaid, for example, had received support and collaboration from International organizations and government bodies in the past.  There are other initiatives founded by different people to render assistance and create awareness around cancer and its related diseases Such as

  • Female Bikers Initiative founded by Nnenna Samuila and Jaminat Olumegbon in 2007
  • Project Pink Blue by Runice Chidebe.
  • Saphire Medicals. Porth-Harcourt.
  • Breast Cancer Association of Nigeria. Betty founded it.

The Governments Effort To Provide Cancer Care

More so, earlier this year, the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), inaugurated a new cancer treatment center at the prestigious Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). After the inauguration of the cancer treatment center that cost $11m, Nigeria has gone further to include Cancer in its National Health Insurance scheme. So we can say that Nigeria is making efforts to reach as many as possible by providing access to cancer care. Although Nigeria still struggles with budgeting for its health sector, it is, however, making efforts to improve health. For example, this year, 4.1 percent of the national budget was allocated to health, which is a marginal improvement on the 3.9 percent allocated in Moreso, hope is building since the government has promised to improve health facilities within the country. The development of facilities would enhance early diagnosis and treatment of cancer, possible prevention.

  • Conclusion

  • There was a National Walk against cancer tagged; #Walkawaycancer. Walkawaycancer was an event that had top Nigerian Artists, Actors, INGOs, CSOs, the Media, Nigerians from all walks of life, and First Ladies of Nigeria like Mrs. Aisha Buhari, in attendance. We all have a role to play in tackling cancer. Everyone has a role to play in the fight against cancer.
  • Related: Optimizing Your Microbial Using Viome’s Test-Kit.


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