Lesotho Prime Minister Travels to South Africa for Medical Attention


Lesotho PM Before Crisis

Tomas Motsoahae Thabane is the Prime Minister of Lesotho since June 2017. In 1998-2006 Thomas was a member of the ruling LCD (Lesotho Congress for Democracy).

He served in the military until 1991 under the rule of Justin Lekhanya. As a Minister of foreign affairs, he was in office from 1990-1991. In November 2004 Thabane was appointed as a Minister in Communication, Science, and Technology.

A new clear political path was created by Thabane when he formed his party known as the All Basotho Convention. ABC was created with the idea of uniting all the Basotho to development.

On 30 August 2014 Thabane went to South Africa for safety since the military was against him. However, Thabane was under the protection of the South African police.

Thabane went through his challenges and on 16th June 2017, he was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Lesotho.


Thabane’s Personal Issues And Start Of His Downfall

Thomas was married to a woman called Lipolelo who later they divorced in 2012. 2 days before Thabane’s inauguration, his wife got shot in Ha-Masan.

It did not take long before he got remarried to Maesaiah in Set Soto Stadium. Holomo Molibeli, the police commissioner, later links him early this year to the death of his ex-wife.

Unfortunately, the ruling party asks him to step down following the case he has ahead. An arrest warrant follows the First Lady Maesaiah but she goes into hiding probably to South Africa to avoid police confrontation.

Amid the crisis, Thabane shows his intentions of retiring from office as the Prime Minister by end of July.

Thomas Thabane With His Doctor In Johannesburg

Paseka Mokete, the Deputy Commissioner, is searching for the prime minister since he is the head of the investigation.

“I have spoken to Thabane’s lawyer and he tells me he is not aware of the prime minister’s whereabouts,” Mokete says.

The Prime Minister is supposed to be in Maseru Magistrate court to be present for the hearing. He fails to appear and the Commissioner says that he will issue an arrest warrant just like they did with his wife if he fails to return.

Thabo Thakalekoala, the personal secretary of Thabane, together with Thomas’s son gave a reason as to why he was out of the country. They confirmed it to the public that indeed the prime minister left the country since he had some medical tests to be run.

What Next For The Prime Minister After Facing The Charges 

The race of the prime minister is quite sad. We see his future being dark despite leading Lesotho for a while now. This is because the people and the ruling party  expects him to come out of power in the next few months to come. If he pleads guilty, he will face imprisonment and due to his old age, he might die there having the title of a ‘murderer’



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