Japan Declares a State of Emergency, Prepares near $1 Trillion Stimulus.


Japan declares a state of emergency.

Abe Shinzo, the Prime Minister of Japan announced a state of Emergency in Tokyo, the state’s capital and six other parts. About 44% of the country’s population are residents from the 6 areas. The state of an emergency involves a restriction of movements and commercial activities. The state of emergency was declared because the virus was spreading rapidly in the affected areas.

The cabinet will also finalize the stimulus package which is equivalent to 20% of Japan’s GDP to aid the affected economy.

Coronavirus cases in Russia spike up to over 1000 within 24 hours.

On Tuesday, The Kremlin crisis response center in Russia reported a daily rise of 1154 corona cases. This increased the number of infected persons to 7497 with the death toll also rising to 58. However, they have conducted tests on about 795000 people.

Boris Johnson admitted to ICU because of coronavirus.

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit after his condition deteriorated due to severe COVID-19 symptoms. Leaders around the world sent best wishes hoping for his quick recovery. Some of which included the French President Emmanuel Macron and Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

During a press briefing, President Trump also said the Americans were praying for him. He even recognized Boris for his great leadership skills.

COVID-19 deaths spike up in Spain.

The death tolls in Spain have risen to 13998 which includes 743 new death cases. On Tuesday, the number of reported cases was 40510.With about 5478 new cases reported within 24 hours.

Why Kremlin’s aid to Europe is considered controversial.

Italy accused Russia of sowing distrust and misinformation in Europe amid the corona outbreak. They claim Russia sending aid to Italy, and America was purely altruistic. Nonetheless, the CEO of VTB bank told CNBC that the allegations were false. Because Russia did not expect anything in return for its assistance. He said the aid was an intention of friendly support.

Domestic travel in the US, Australia and Southeast Asia could resume by June.

According to the CEO of Australia’s largest travel industry, domestic travel could resume in Australia, Asia, and the US. I.e. if the efforts to curb corona are successful.

However, International travel could remain on suspension for six more months.

 France remains on indefinite lockdown.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the total confirmed cases of corona in France add to 98984 with about 8911 deaths. Olivier Veran, France Health Minister says the country will remain on lockdown until further notice. However essential businesses are operating.

Germany reports 3834 additional cases and 173 deaths.

As of now, about 99225 people in Germany are infected with corona, an increase of 3834. They have also confirmed an additional 173 deaths, making the death toll rise to 1607.

Extension of lockdown in the Philippines.

According to Reuter, the President of Philippines Rodrigo Duterte extended the lockdown measures until April 30th. As of Monday, they had confirmed around 3660 corona cases.

 For the first time, China reports 32 new cases no deaths.

China is known as the center of a coronavirus outbreak, however, for the first time, they have recorded fewer infections and no deaths. The National Health Commission reported on 6th April that they only confirmed 32 new cases. Hence the countries total infections are at 81740 with 3331 deaths.

World Health Organization declares a shortage of 5.9 million nurses.

WHO is urging countries to create at least 6 million new nursing jobs by 2030. Because of the shortage of nurses during the corona pandemic? Especially because 59% of healthcare workers are nurses. Developing countries have recorded a large deficit of shortage of nurses.




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