Global Citizen NOW Calls for Increased Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa and Youth Engagement

Global Citizen NOW Calls for Increased Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa and Youth Engagement

Global Citizen NOW Conference: Promoting Youth Engagement in Africa and the World

The urgent need for long-term investments in Africa’s rapidly growing youth population and more global outreach to young changemakers was underscored at the recent Global Citizen NOW conference in New York. The importance of allocating funds for healthcare, education, and economic growth in the world’s least developed regions was brought to attention by this global campaign event.

Taking on Global Issues with Local Remedies

Hugh Evans, CEO of Global Citizen, emphasized the value of funding healthcare and education in developing countries in a world torn apart by conflict. Among the conference’s lofty objectives were raising up to $6 billion for the economic development of Africa and $600 million for a United Nations fund devoted to emergency education. Evans presented a vision in which citizens may actually reduce world poverty by taking simple, doable actions.

Star Power and Voices of Influence

The two-day event made use of well-known people’s influence, including Michelle Yeoh, Hugh Jackman, and Brazilian artist Anitta. Vice President Kamala Harris’s spouse, Doug Emhoff, also made an unexpected appearance to promote men’s active participation in battling sexism and defending reproductive rights.

Control over Resources and Self-Determination

Actress Danai Gurira emphasized that African countries must attain self-determination, pointing to the abundance of natural riches on the continent. In contrast to the legacy of colonialism, she highlighted the importance of local ownership and benefiting from these resources.

Unlocking the Athletic Potential of Africa

Two-time Super Bowl winner Osi Umenyiora talked about the unrealized athletic potential of Africa’s children. In order to provide instruction that would open doors for young African players to pursue careers in professional sports, he is spearheading attempts to open NFL academies in Africa, akin to those in the UK and Australia.

upcoming economic summits

Later this year, Global Citizen will co-host an economic summit in Ivory Coast, in keeping with its objectives. With so many people in Sub-Saharan Africa still without access to essential utilities like electricity, this effort seeks to expand foreign aid to the region. The former prime minister of Sweden, Stefan Lofven, emphasized the reciprocal advantages of these investments and argued for development assistance as a way to realize the full potential of the world.

Including the Future Generation

One of the conference’s main objectives was to integrate Gen Z into the 12 million-strong network of Global Citizen. At the inaugural international Global Citizen NOW event, almost 300 young leaders were matched with officials, including Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank. In anticipation of the next U.S. presidential election, civic engagement organizations HeadCount and I Am A Voter announced a merger with the goal of increasing youth voter registration.

Creative Approaches to Outreach

Conference presenters offered a variety of approaches to involving youth. Anitta, for example, informs her followers about environmental issues using Instagram Live. The actor Jordan Fisher emphasized the value of political engagement and voting in spite of obstacles including high housing costs and school loan debt. In addition, Fisher is working with Global Citizen to establish a gaming branch, raising money and awareness through websites like Twitch.

In summary

A potent combination of lobbying, celebrity influence, and business alliances was on display at the Global Citizen NOW conference with the goal of tackling some of the most important global concerns. Through its emphasis on education, healthcare, and economic development—particularly in Africa—as well as its engagement of the youth, Global Citizen is paving the way for a future that is more just and empowered.


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