Droughts hits badly on South Africa wildlife Industry


Widespread droughts threaten the South Africa wildlife industry. Individuals and game farmers now divert to keeping fewer animals and the number of tourists visiting the country is never the same.

The wildlife industry as a core source of South Africa’s economic growth has in the past faced with challenges of extreme hot seasons. Most parts of the country are experiencing horrible weather for animal survival. The drought has cleared the grasses and dried up water sources. The country has experienced hotter seasons and below-average rainfall with 2015 being the driest year on record.

What Wildlife Ranching South Africa Agency Says?


According to Wildlife Ranching South Africa agency that assembles data from over 9,000 wildlife farms in the country. The reports show that the Northern Cape state in the past three years lost close to two-thirds of its game which is very critical. The agency is working on solutions as well as leasing with farmers around the country to record data on animal loss. And the economic impact the drought is having.

WRSA head Adri Kitshoff-Botha says

In some areas we’ve seen it going for six years’’

showing how bad the drought has hit the country.

Importance of the wildlife industry to South Africa


The South Africa wildlife industry brings money to the country’s economy. The tourism sector, breeding, meat production, and hunting. Hunting and killing of the Big Five animals and other species are legal in South Africa. According to the research by the environment ministry, through trophy hunting, the South Africa wildlife industry made $140 million a lot of money in 2016.


Drought Threats and Critical Conditions of the wildlife


The international bodies on climate change say South Africa’s temperatures are alerting. The rates are constantly increasing at higher speeds compared to the world’s normal rate. This is a threatening condition and the levels of water in the artificial lakes are dwindling.


Thuru Lodge in the Northern Cape which was a home for close to 4, 500 wild animals, comprising 35 different wild species of rhino to antelope. The number has critically reduced following deaths of over 1000 animals because of the drought. There, the land has dried up and not any plant exists for the animals to feed on.


What Ranch Officials has to say


The lodge manager, Burger Shoeman told reporters,

“At this stage we are quite stretched. All the money you get from selling the animals, the meat and all of that, gets put straight back into the property to look after the rest of the animals.”

The lodge is working hard to maintain the few animals existing by spending more on buying enough feeds for the animals. Also, hunters are paying less, and the number of tourists visiting has reduced because the animals are in poor condition.

Karreekloof Safari Lodge occupying a 48,000- hectare land in the same province. The game guards find dead animals in the fields every week.

Gideon Watts, who is the farm supervisor

“Nobody wants to buy the game, because they also (are experiencing) … the same drought,”

Watts further added that his ranch only receives a quarter of its usual rainfall last year.

The South Africa wildlife industry has seen a decrease in tourist visitors. This is around 20 percent over the past year, said WRSA’s chief, Kitshoff-Botha.

The Government through the Minister for Human Settlements, Water, and Sanitation. Ms. Lindiwe Sisulu, on 09 Jan 2020, addressed the people of the Northern Province on the water challenges. And the steps the department has come up with solutions for the droughts. Therefore, finding solutions to save the lives of people and wildlife.

Related blog post:Wildlife in Zimbabwe Attack Humans due to Drought


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