Denmark Confirms an Upsurge of COVID-19 Variant


The contagious COVID-19 variant has been making rounds across the globe. States have started confirming escalating cases as warry and tension surge amongst individuals. According to health authorities, the first case of the variant, B117, was confirmed in Britain, in the United Kingdom. Unlike COVID-19, the variant is highly infectious as it spreads at an alarming rate.

Denmark Confirms First Case of the Variant

On Saturday, Denmark reported its first case of the coronavirus variant. Reports confirmed that the variant originated from South Africa. The latter is among the first countries to confirm cases of the coronavirus variant. The highly transmissible variant happens to infect people, especially the immunocompromised patients, who are highly susceptible to it.

A recent report from the State Serum Institute’s office in Denmark affirmed that about 256 Danes had contracted the new variant between November and January. As new cases continue to thrive in the region, chances are the virus might manifest tremendously, better than the first wave. The analysis corresponds to about 1.3% of the total positive cases Denmark has analyzed within that period.

In the first week of January, the percentage at which the variant was manifesting was about 3.6%. Authorities in the country were alarmed by this and hence to extend lockdown. Preliminary tests of those who had traveled before testing positive stated that it was unclear whether they had been infected abroad or in Denmark.

On Saturday last week, SSI lab reports revealed that the first case of the infection, with another more contagious variant, was first identified in South Africa and also reported in someone who had traveled to Dubai. Therefore, there is a probability the variant is already present in Dubai.

Denmark Reinstates Draconian Measures

Since the variant was spreading at a high rate, Denmark authorities decided to reinforce regulatory measures. Denmark has been among the front liners endorsing ways to curb the virus. The country has been monitoring coronavirus mutations by running positive tests through genome sequencing analysis. Unlike some countries, it chose to extend the lookdown for three weeks through an announcement on Wednesday. Researchers predict that come mid-February, the new coronavirus variant would have dominated most parts of the globe. I.e., unless the COVID-19 vaccine that countries are now administering curbs the virus.

Vaccination Program in Denmark

The Danish government happens to be the leading government in administering the Coronavirus vaccine. The country has already vaccinated 2% of its first population amid the spiking cases. The health authorities, health care workers, government officials, and older people receive the vaccine by April. Then the rest of the remaining populations will receive it thereafter.

The head of the Danish health authorities, Soren Brostrom, said in a statement that they had achieved a very first and efficient rollout of the vaccinations. He confirmed that they had enough vaccines to reach all parts of the country’s health care centers within a couple of weeks. Due to the clear communication between health workers and the public, the population is well informed. As such, Denmark could easily succeed in its vaccination campaigns, as many will support it.



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